Medal of Honor: Airborne

What do you guys think about this upcoming game?

Medal of honour needs to STOP. Horrible games…always

my theory is that the medal of honor games are so sucky because they dont take thier time , if u have noticed, they come out very fast when compared to Call of duty, but… Call Of Duty is quality and it has great levels that are awesome and they have great graphics, but medal of honor sucks.
either Call Of Duty has ALL the good graphics tech. people , or medal of honer jus sucks.

I’ve generally have had negative expeiriances with MOH, but I think Airborn looks promising…

i enjoyed medal of honor pacific assault and still play it sometimes, and i found MOH’s approach to the PSP was much better than brothers in arms, but im curious to find out if anyone has played airborne on the wii? im thinking of buying airborne but was not very happy with COD3 controls for the wii and i’m hoping MOH will be different.

i am also disappointed time and time again by MOH lack of advertising

I strongly disagree. Medal of Honor: Frontline was a great game. After that game, the series began to dive. European Assault was definitely better than Rising Sun, but not anywhere near as good as Frontline.

First of all, CoD was developed by the same staff as Medal of Honor: Allied Assault.

I just think Call of Duty 3 has to be amongst the most overrated games I’ve ever played. It was short, and on the Normal setting, frightfully easy. I just thought Medal of Honor: Frontline actually gave me more of an incentive to play levels over again so I could unlock things. I’m still wondering why I wasted $60 on CoD3 when I could’ve rented it instead.

Well i din’t know it.
I think the fMoH:Allied assault is the best game in the seria - the great rsault of this excellent team.

The first Medal of Honor on PS2 was the best, the rest that came out sucked.

Yes, Frontline was the best. Again, I thought Underground was surprisingly good too.

Yes the first medal of Honors were also great, I own then till this day and will never trade them or sell them.

So far I have beaten all of them and all have horriable graphics. The missions are way to easy to beat. It does not even take 2 hours to beat each one.

About the graphics: Most of the Medal of Honors are pretty old now, so it’s not really fair to say that. Frontline, for its time, had great graphics.

I didn’t think the missions were terribly difficult to beat either. If you want a challenge, I suggest bumping the difficulty setting up to hard (or veteran in European Assault). If this is another “reason why Call of Duty is better than Medal of Honor”, I think Call of Duty 3 was shorter than most of the MoHs I played. It took me less than a week to finish it.

does anybody know when the hell this game is being released for the PC? EA said today (sept. 4th) but bestbuy said sept. 5 and when i went to bestbuy it was not on shelves. Also Wikipedia now says Sept 6

EA’s more recent ads say 9/6.

ea games: where the bullshits so deep you need a lifejacket

I got my game and is being shipped as of today ,I have a friend that works with them and I get them at a discount at $10.00 for PC and $15.00 for console .The demo kicked arse

hey the demo on xbox live wasnt bad at all…I think this might the best MOH yet the graphics are good and the gameplay is preatty to good for the demo and the MP looks good with the picking of any landing and the game is to come out sep 6 and is for sure

I am going to download the demo today on marketplace. The Beta for Call of Duty 4 is getting old but is still fun. I am going to see which one is better.

i tried to download the PC demo off fileshack but it wouldn’t install, i guess its a bad file