
The natives are becoming restless, will there be deliberation on awards ?

Come up with a list and we’ll deliberate on it?

Seriously, sorry but I’m way too busy to do it myself right now - got builders in. Normally we pretty much just hand out what people are nominated for, unless they’re one of the forum problem children. Stick up a list in here and we’ll check it. There should be an up to date list of who has already got what kicking around on the forum somewhere - in the war room or the medals thread I think…

The nominations are all in the medals thread.

Anybody got any objection to anyone who was nominated in the last round?

If not, let’s award them.

I’ll review them, and chip in my 2 cents worth later today.There having been some folks put forward for 2 awards, I think one per customer is enough.

I’m probably busy until late tonight, so I have no problem with any prior recommendations…

Or perhaps I might have some time today as I’m snowed in for a bit. :slight_smile:

Same here.

Same here, it’s just that some of the potential nominated aren’t around much these days (namvet, Chevan, Egorka, Librarian, R. Leonard, Amrit).

I went through the nominations, and adjusting for awards already bestowed, and the above list of not been around guys, this is what I got. And for my part, I’m good with them.






Von Weyer






As for any others, and those who have not been on for awhile, I will defer to those with experience in these matters.

Site Service for PK? That one might be a little bit controversial!

Perhaps, but he was recommended, and seconded. Hes a good fellah, if not a bit excitable.

Unfortunately, I had to go in. We had a weird lake-effect snowbelt that was a narrow band dumping snow and closing the Interstate 90 with some who spent upwards of 20 hours in their cars stranded. We had a manageable six to eight inches at my house. But less than seven miles north of me, over three feet of snow has fallen…

Things are better now, but I had a harrowing commute for about 15 minutes…

I think Panzerknacker is a bit of a strange cat, but he’s very knowledgeable and has done a lot for this site as a poster–even if he was a slight disaster as a mod…

Glad you’re in safe, I remember that stuff from being in Wisconsin, (I do not miss it)

Somebody enlighten RS* about that white stuff on the photo!;):smiley:

Have you bastards got a web cam on me or something? :evil:

Oops! Sorry. I thought you were talking about the white stuff on my Penthouse centrefold. :oops:

I think we should award medals to all those who were recommended as the recommendations were based on what they did to that point, not on whether they’re still on the board. And some of them might come back.

At your age? Impressive!

Old habits die hard.

Well, we haven’t given out awards for a while, may as well do a mass one. I think even PK deserves something too, after all I think his contributions have been really good, except being a Mod, he wasn’t exactly sterling at that.

The power of Fosters ! (the other blue pill)
