Mein Kampf

Translates to My Struggle. Book written by Adolf Hitler about his struggle to power in post WWI Germany. This book, in its original 1940’s SS Edition is extremely rare and hard to find. Theyre have been several republishings of the book though from then till now.

Is it not illegal? Well anyway, did anyone hear about that auction they were having? They where selling that book with Hitlers signature, somehow it came on the news, but I seem to have missed the point cause I dont know why.

why its on the news? it has Hitlers signature perhaps, a book like that could easily go for alot.

Of course it’s not illegal in most places - freedom of speech & all that (it might be prohibited in Germany though - Walther?):

Mein Kampf
Adolf Hitler

Our Price: £17.95 & eligible for Free UK delivery on orders over £19 with Super Saver Delivery. See details & conditions.

Do people still sell the book “Mein Kampf” ?
I dont think a local library or bookstore would have german propoganda books…but then again i could be wrong.
I would most very much like to read a “mein kampf” version translated into english, it would be quite interesting.
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I remeber that I saw “Mein Kampf” in English (as a pdf file) a couple of months ago on a russian site (:smiley: :smiley: ).
Unfortunatelly I don’t remember the url…

I read this book years ago, ramblings of an idiot in my opinion.

If there is a “Mein Kampf” in english i would think that the U.S or some organization have altered the text and book a bit.

Why? The United States Government has no authority to censor books, or any publication for that matter. It’s unconstitioutional.

I just wouldn’t think the Americans or the common world we live in would let German propoganda written by hitler still exist.

Well it isnt like Mein Kampf is still in print, whats out there now is out there and sooner or later there will be no copies of the book left

Very true that, they are getting rarer every day practically.

They have Mein Kampf in all the bookstores by me but I have yet to pick it up to read it as I’ve had no real push for it. I’ll get it eventually but no it is perfectly legal here. :lol:

Well it isnt like Mein Kampf is still in print, whats out there now is out there and sooner or later there will be no copies of the book left[/quote]

They reprint it every few years or so. Its actually a very badly written rant on all the people that must have annoyed Der Fuhrer during his lifetime up until then. Ravings of a madman…

intriguing :smiley:

i have it. its very boring, and has many irrelevant chapters. hitler repeats himself many times in the book and presents arguments with no proof or logic. however, there are parts where he has a point, but his whole racial theories have no foundation in science.

mate,most of books repeat irrelevant and boring arguments,but,it´s the cost of a book,you adquire the knowledgment of the 10% of a book when you read it,the rest is mindless bla bla bla.

Just like “The ABC of Communism” then…

Of course it’s not illegal in most places - freedom of speech & all that (it might be prohibited in Germany though - Walther?):

Mein Kampf
Adolf Hitler

Our Price: £17.95 & eligible for Free UK delivery on orders over £19 with Super Saver Delivery. See details & conditions.

Sorry, I noticed this thread quite late. Possesion of Nazi propaganda is not illegal in Germany but public display in a glorifying way and sale is illegal (a fine or up to 3 years prison).
BTW, I’m looking for a German copy of this book for my poison cabinet. I sometimes get in to debates with, mostly American, Nazi apologists, who use quotes out of “Mein Kampf” and I can not check in how far they have been taken out of context, nor can I counterquote, e.g. showing how Hitler predicted and planned his murderous decisions.


Well there are still Nazi Parties all around the world, of course not as big community as the 1930’s but they read “Mein Kampf” like its the Nazi Bible.