
In a moment of petulance I mentioned that I had thought a PDF a Merkin. That was very unkind and I withdraw that comment, and he has my apologies.

RS and I have been trying to get to the root - please excuse the pun - of the Merkin. There are some interesting sites on the web, but we were wondering if anyone had any further knowledge as to when it came into being. Here are a couple of the sites we’ve visitied:

We’re not looking for further sites, just some straight forward comments from the forum. :smiley:

What’s this “we” stuff? :slight_smile:

32Bravo is the one obsessed with merkins.

Me? I just like them au naturel.

I’m more than a little disturbed by this Wiki statement in 32Bravo’s link:

There are many different ways of wearing a merkin, although most involve placing the merkin on the vulva or the scrotum.

It indicates a certain lack of familiarity with the hirsute aspects of human anatomy.

What we down here in the Antipodes call the map of Tassie (Tasmania - an island full of inbred merkins :smiley: )

ain’t focused on scrota.


Well, one of my favourite film characters does go by the name of Merkin Muffley…

This name would be partially redundant down here, as a merkin is a muff, and vice versa.

Or is that the subtle point in your favourite film? :smiley:

That was on on Wednesday night - and I forgot all about Pres Muffley (the name that is) :shock:

Well, as it includes characters like Colonel Bat-Guano and Brigadier-General Jack D. Ripper, I suspect it might just be…

Which film?

Does anyone know whether Canadian Merkins are made from Beaver, or not?

“Dr. Strangelove”

Great movie!

Fish scales I think.

Never managed to catch it, but there were some interesting characters in Captain Pugwash.

Would that be the fish that John West rejects?

The gentleman doth protest too much, methinks! :smiley:

You could be right.

I might have got merkins confused with meerkats, which are an unusually ugly type of pussy.


The accusation of being a gentleman is unfounded, but you might otherwise be right. I may have confused merkins with meerkats, which are really ugly pussies. :smiley:

First time I’ve ever heard of ugly ones!.. they always look pretty cute to me!:smiley:

Be they metric, or good old imperial?

You’re too bloody quick!

I deleted the post to re-post a bigger picture of the nasty pussies but, not surprisinlgy, you were onto the nasty pussies like a rat up a drainpipe. :smiley:

So here, for the edification of other viewers, is the picture of the meerkats.

P.S. And after viewing the post on using a different image source, it’s even bloody worse!

Bugger it.

I’ll hotlink it for a clear image of the nasty pussies.

I was thinking more of ferrets and rabbit holes. :smiley: