Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

I’m taking off for a week, later today, to celebrate Chiristmas with family friends.

May I take this opportunity to wish you all a very HAPPY CHRISTMAS and best wishes for the New Year.

Yours Aye

32 Bravo

And to you and all the other members, a big Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from down under.

In the interests of cultural exchange, try this traditional festive Aussie song at your gathering.

DECK THE SHEDS (aka Deck the halls)

Deck the sheds with bits of wattle — fa la la la la la la la la
Whack some gum leaves in a bottle — fa la la la la la la la la
All the shops are open sundies — fa la la la la la la la la
Buy your Dad some sox and undies — fa la la la la la la la la

Deck the sheds with bits of gum tree — fa la la la la la la la la
Hang some decos off the plum tree — fa la la la la la la la la
Plant some kisses on the missus — fa la la la la la la la la
Have a ripper Aussie Christmas — fa la la la la la la la la

Say g’day to friends and relies — fa la la la la la la la la
Wave them off with bulging bellies — fa la la la la la la la la
Kids and babies youngies oldies — fa la la la la la la la la
May your fridge be full of coldies — fa la la la la la la la la

Chop the wood and stoke the barbie — fa la la la la la la la la
Ring the folks in Abudabe — fa la la la la la la la la
Pop the stuffing in the turkey — fa la la la la la la la la
Little Mary’s feeling ercky — fa la la la la la la la la

Rally rally round the table — fa la la la la la la la la
Fill your belly while your able — fa la la la la la la la la
Joyce and Joany, Dave and Daryl — fa la la la la la la la la
Sing an Aussie Christmas carol — fa la la la la la la la la


Wattle - Australian tree with yellow flowers
Gum leaves - Eucalyptus tree leaves; favourite food of koalas
Sundies - Sunday
Decos - short for decorations
Coldies - cold bottle of beer
Ripper - good
G’day - an Aussie hello
Relies - short for relatives
Oldies - parents, grandparents
Barbie - barbecue
Ercky - not feeling very well

A shorter Christmas song, favoured by some of our more religious citizens. :wink:

We three kings of Orient are
One on a tractor, two in a car
One on a scooter
Tooting his hooter
Following yonder star

Oh, oh
Star of wonder
Star of light
Star of bewdy, she’ll be right
Star of glory, that’s the story
Following yonder star . …


Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year guys and to all our members and friends :smiley:

Happy Holidays :smiley:


Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year for all!!!

Senta a Púa!!

Merry Christmas to all!!!

And yet another Christmas in the forum. :smiley:
Happy Hollidays for everybody.

I going to dedicate a bottle in honour of the members here.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year - and especially HAPPY HOLIDAYS YAAAY!!! :smiley:

PS: Personally i hate nearly all Christmas songs, because they get played over and over and over etc. but there one special song (not ‘Last Christmas’ :P) i could listen to allways … i always forget the title but it goes like Feliz Navidad and so on :wink:

Thank you, and to you,and all of our friends here as well, and many many more.

Merry Christmas,Happy new year in the forum and peace without wars all over the world!!

Yea dudes.
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year for all of you:)
For you Nicki, Firefly ,Dani ,Bravo and Sunny.And for our supermod-muchacho.

And certainly for the Uncle Frost / Father Winter (tankgeezer):smiley:
And the special wishes for George and Gen Sandworm to be as good and polite in next year as they were all time :slight_smile:
ANd for pdf to improve his technoligical knowledge basis as more deeper as he want:)
And for Kato to be more polite when deal with other nations.
Well i even do not know what to wish the my mate Egorka- he is as much good and positive as it possible for russian last time:).So i could just wish him to earn lot of monay next year:)
Nick will a good mode, i/m sure, next year. As good as it possible for admirer of RothArmy forum:)
And of couse for our super-intelligent dear mst Labrarian- the honest keeper of our database knowledges:)I wish him to improve his perfect literature languages till the William Shekspeers level:)
Sorry if i’ve forgot about somebody:)

Merry Xmas everyone, keep sober :smiley:

MERRY XMAS to all may be all go well for the site .
And loose a bit . Relax with our families and also enjoy the holiday

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all on this forum.

Never! :mrgreen:

I hope everyone is having a great Christmas, and will have a great New Years as well…

If you havent to drive is not bad idea get drunk at list one time a year, unfortunately the supply of alcohol run out before that happen with me last night. :rolleyes:

And for our supermod-muchacho.

I am not sure if that is for me, but thanks aniway.

I’m not sure about that. The rumour was, you’re a two pot screamer PK:shock:;):slight_smile:

Seriously, everyone have a happy, loving and safe Christmas.


The rumour was, you’re a two pot screamer PK

Is that a cumpliment ? :smiley:

It’s a joke mate- meaning it only takes a couple of drinks to get you pissed. This is something RS is very familiar with!;):shock:


Hmm, dont think so, I go down quietly…no scream at all :smiley:

HAHAHA! When I was younger I could take a belly full of beer, become all belligerent and get into a few dustups, then walk 10 miles to home and sleep like a baby.

Now I just have two beers, sit down and fall asleep.:slight_smile:
