Merry Christmas, & Happy New Year

As the year comes to an end, I would like to wish you all the best for the holiday season. Also a happy, healthy, and prosperous new year.

Many Thanks Procyon :slight_smile:
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you. :slight_smile:

Kind and Respectful Regards, Uyraell.

Bit late for Christmas, but happy new year everyone!

Happy New Year Churchill my friend.
May the grog be enjoyable, the sheilahs warm, and the meals worth the eating. :slight_smile:

Warm, Kind, and Respectful Regards Churchill my friend, Uyraell.

Hope you all had a good Christmas (and an injury-free one unlike me!) and have a good Hogmanay! Slàinte mhath!

What manner of injury? Does the site need to mobilize the S.O.C.? (special operations codgers)

I burned my hand during midnight mass, the vicar decided to save some money on electricity and we all had to hold candles. Needless to say I suffered several burns to the hand from hot wax - obviously the lord is exempt from H&S! And furthermore I managed to fall into a bush while going for a run on boxing day. Usual for me.

It could have been worse, if you’d combined the two injuries into an Old Testament critical scene.

You could have fallen into an eternally burning bush, and been been burnt all over. :wink: :smiley:

Although this would no doubt have impressed the vicar beyond belief.

Perhaps, and then I could have claimed it as a double whammy miracle and hey presto - beatification!

St. Yeoman’s day, that has a nice ring to it.

St. Yeoman - the patron saint of accident prone cavalrymen?

The Patron Saint of strong “medicinal” spirits, and accident prone Cavalrymen.

What a very nice and funny way to exchange season’s greeting… Hopin’ you don’t consider me an intruder, i would like to wish you (a little bit late…) Happy New Year! Happiness and good health to all the members and their family!