Merry Christmas


Well, obrigado muito e mesmos a você.:smiley:

Felices Pasquas Y felices ano Nuevo to Panzerknacker

Froehliche Weihnachten to Flamethower Guy, Drake

Kala Christouyenna to Kallinikosdrama

Tchestita Koleda; Tchestito Rojdestvo Hristovo To Ivaylo

Pozdrevlyayu s prazdnikom Rozhdestva is Novim Godom to Chevan

Merry Christmas Mate and put another Turkey on the Barbee to Rising Sun

Seasons Greetings to our Dear American friends Nick and the gang

Merry Christmas to our English friends PDF (I think he’s English)

Merry Christmas to the Members who make a difference: Ardee, Nayson, Honourable Mr.Firefly, George Eller, Flamethower Guy (Again).

Peace and Joy to all of you and all the Best in 2009!!!

Merry Christmas all!

Merry Christmas to the members, and you too herman, btw, nice sig lol

Anyway, how do you guys celebrate, do you get the egg nog out or do you have a peaceful dinner with your family and also happy Hanukkah to our Jewish users for I’m sure there may be some.

Hey that’s cool, Rifleman, hearing about others Christmas celebrations would be interesting stuff to read.
Herman and his family will celebrate on the 24’th evening in Toronto (Canada) with casual dinner of cold cuts (schinken,salami Ham, bloutverst and liver verst)and wieners, Huck (Beef Tar Tar as it is known), hearing salad, fleish Salad, cheese etc,as well as beer, etc, and rumballs and streaudal …and the kids open their presents on the 24’th. The actual Christmas morning we don’t do much but have A Turkey at night on the 25’th
. I don’t know if I’m old fashioned German or not, but I have always celebrated the 24’th as a kid and that’s the way I still celebrate it!!
P.S> I put on my old Heintje records and reminisce

Midnight mass at about 6ish, and then much feasting. =D

O yea I never mentioned what I do, it really matters where I am and if my mom works or doesn’t work. At one time I was with my dad in Arizona for Christmas and I didn’t like how he did it so I stay with my mom for Christmas. If my mom doesn’t work, we would sleep in untill 8 or 10 in the morning on the 25th opening presents and on the eve we would eat dinner or sometimes on Christmas (rarely). When my mom does work, my family would wake up about 4 in the morning and open presents then go back to sleep, afterward we would have a Christmas lunch with my mom at the hospital (shes a nurse). Its always fun. One of the most memorable moments of Christmas is when I got a game (GTA San Adreas) I freaked out and played it for hours, actually about 20 hours straight because I think I started playing around 8 - 10 a.m. not sure and stopped playing around 7 in the morning, what a day lol. What was your guys craziest memory from Christmas.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Years to all.

I’ll be back next year, vacation is sweet!!! :D:D


So let me if I understand, you appeared once every year just to say Merry Christmas…how weird is that.

Are you right of the head man ?

My christmas is gonna be spent how it has been for since i was 15 spiked egg nog and deep fried turkey no talk about fun

He has contributed to the forum in the past. He isn’t breaking any of the rules, so what’s the problem? At least he isn’t causing major grief to the mods like, say, the reincarnation of Aly J is at the moment…

YA. Your the Man PDF. Your the Man!..A Big Christmas shout out to my Peeps and PDF!!

Hi Herman! Are these your Peeps?:mrgreen: Merry Christmas!

Aly j is reincarnated?

There are so many happy memories of crazy Christmases! :rolleyes:

Not being killed by my father when he was in a divorce-induced drunken rage when he had my head in a commando neck-breaking hold during a couple of Christmases between about 12 and 14 years old has to rate as pretty good, not that that particular joy was reserved for Christmas.

Along with the time he buried the samurai sword he swung at me in the side of the old armchair rather than my head and was too drunk to extract it for another swing. A seriously piss poor effort for a bloke who never got anywhere near the Japanese, not least because they didn’t get as far south as Albury which was as far north as my old man got.

Do you know that a 13 year old boy can be trained to fall to the floor at attention, for the amusement of a bunch of no-hoper supposed ex-servicemen rounded up from the local RSL?


The best one I ever had was the time the police took my old man to the nuthouse after he’d belted the shit out of me. Naturally, I paid for it when he came back.


Fuck Christmas.

Oh, and did I mention the fucking priests, Christian and Marist Brothers who did fuck-all when they knew what was happening to me?

Fuck Christmas, and fuck all the God bothering cunts who extol it!

I hate Christmas with a passion.

Christ told us something far beyond the trivial, vacuous shit that is commercialised every year in his name, but nobody listened or listens.

Yep, “Ace Vantura” shares both an IP address and irritatingly dumb posting style. We’re just deleting everything we spot until Procyon can get around to doing us an IP ban.

Well…maybe she’s smarter than she looked!

You can’t pull a Fast One on PDF!..He’s checking the weblist, checking it Twice, gonna find out whose Naughty Or Nice.Pdf is the MAN!. Way to go PDF! You can’t pull a fast one with PDF on the Job.

As it happens, I’m not the one who spotted this particular return from the dead. Still, keep up the sychophancy, I could get used to this!