MG gunners - German Forces | Gallery

MG gunners

MG gunners 11th SS Volunteer Panzergrenadier Division Nordland

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Very nice picture!
The MG42 and MG34 were in many ways the most lethal machineguns of the war.
The MG42 had a velocity of around 755 metres per second and a firing rate of more than 800 rounds a minut(= 12 bullits a second!).
There was ,however a fatal flaw in both the MG42 & MG34;the recoil system was not very efficient which resulted in barrels quickly overheating.Since in the heat of battle it was often impossible to change barrels,they soon lost their accuracy and thus their effectiviness diminished rapidly.
If only I could get one for my collection(whishfull thinking)