Mihai I and Carol II. 1940 - Romanian Forces | Gallery

Mihai I and Carol II. 1940

Mihai I and Carol II. 1940

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://ww2incolor.com/gallery/romanian-forces/31120/mihai-i-and-carol-ii.-1940

It is rare for me to wake up, in a beautiful Saturday morning, and to see two TRAITORS in the same photo, wearing a Marshal´s uniform. Let´s begin with the first one, Carol II TRAITOR of Romania. He fled the country in the most DIFFICULT and IMPORTANT time in the modern history of Romania, Spring/Summer 1918, and married in the Cathedral Church of Odessa, Ukraine, 31 August 1918, in CONTRAVENTION of ROYAL LAW, to Joanna Marie Valentina Lambrino (“Zizi” Lambrino). …MANY SCANDALS FOLLOWED … and he renounced his right to the throne on 28 December 1925 in favour of his son by Crown Princess Helen. … Returning to the country unexpectedly on 7 June 1930, Carol reneged on the renunciation and was proclaimed King the following day. And now the ”master peace” >>>>>SKODA AFFAIR<<<<< , this CROOK with his MISTRESS Elena “Magda” Lupescu and a few CORRUPT politicians ”invested” 7 BILLION lei in OBSOLETE and TO EXPENSIVE weaponds from Skoda. If he had invested this HUGE amount af money (in that time it was ”astronomic”) in Romanian weapons industry we were BETTER OF when WW2 started. (sounds familiar fellow Romanians regarding F16 AFFAIRE and other weapon systems affairs who are about to be soon signed ?) and then is of course the BIGGEST TREASON OF THEM ALL the HUMILIATION of giving up TERRITORIES inhabited of our THRACIAN ANCESTORS for MILLENIA , WITHOUT ANY FIGHT. (we Romanians have mainly 70% Thracian blood, and 30% Roman blood, the names ROMANIAN, ROMANIA was adopted, later on, because our ROMAN conquerors had ”SUPERIOR” CULTURE) This resulted in total chaos in occupied territories with a total of at least 700000 people MURDERED,TORTURED, ARRESTED, DEPORTED. And now the SECOND TRAITOR , Mihai I TRAITOR of Romania.(still alive and well today) He ARESTED Marshal Ion Antonescu, on 23 August 1944(5 years to the day MOLOTOV-RIBBENTROP PACT was signed) one day before he was about to sign an CONDITIONAL SURRENDER with the soviets, he was supposed, on 24 August to go to the FRONT supervise the ORDERLY RETREAT of the Romanian Army from the positions in order for them NOT TO BE CAPTURED from the soviets. This TREASON led to the CAPTURE of at least 130000 soldiers and sent in captivity in SIBERIA. VERY FEW RETURNED. And all this ultimately resulted in a NATION turned to SLAVES and in the COMMUNIST RULE over ROMANIA with 1500000 people ARRESTED, TORTURED and 300000 MURDERED by the people who said they will bring the ”WORKERS HEAVEN” in ROMANIA. The RESULTS of this TREASON’S are VISIBLE to THIS DAY, REPUTATION of ROMANIA and ROMANIANS is let say is ”AS LOW AS IT CAN GET” ”DID IT HIT ROCK BOTTOM YET?” This is for ALL TRUE ROMANIANS who FIGHT and DIED with their thoughts to us the today’s generations.

Ion-cu; Thanks for your information and viewpoint on history that has not been studied by this person. Especially interesting that Mihai I is still living. The war is not over. Millions have died; innocent people led into oblivion by immoral leaders. A warning to all of us today.