

I have never yet found any form of ordanance to be humble when it is incoming or when removing even a single round from kids who are playing with them.

The longer they are left around then the more unstable and dangerous they generally get

Alot of Argentinean munitions were incorrectly stored and some had become unstable even during the conflict never mind while sitting outside for over twenty years.

You are trying to put a nice safe adult at home image onto stuff that has been left outside or buried for years. This thread was about clearing the mines and how long it would take and you questioned and declared disbelief in how long it would take or even what was out there.
You tried to mock and joke about things you obviously have no concept of and definately no actual experience of ‘unlike myself’
I do not find anthing remotely amusing about ordanance being left around I have been and had to pick up the pieces afterwards of ‘Humble bullets that cost kids their lives and or maimed them’

So you got a rise from me and all your topics and posts have now gone down in my estimation since you seem to have a ‘I am right no matter what attitude (Yes I have seen your post where you actually state that)’


Topic locked.
PK, when talking about a subject you know nothing about I STRONGLY suggest you stop acting like a cretin and listen to people who actually know what they’re talking about.