
I’m seeing that MJ1 has been stirring things up a bit in RS*'s thread http://www.ww2incolor.com/forum/showthread.php?12897-An-unnecessary-insult-to-Japan-at-its-surrender
He has been warned a couple times about his actions.
so far, it all seems pretty low level stuff, what do you all think about it?

I asked him politely to stop spamming with pic’s, and he stopped. That thread was dying down until Forager mentioned the PM he received. Personally I prefer people taking their disputes to PM…

Agreed, I advised that in a post earlier today, generally so as not to point to anyone in particular. MJ seems a bit too quick to rile, which may indicate a problem somewhere along the line. Just getting everyone’s thoughts on it.

MJI strikes me as a bit of a dill with his inability to participate meaningfully in historical discussions and with his obsession with posting pictures of his large number of guns which, with rare exceptions, is all he contributes to the forum.

But he hasn’t done anything to warrant any more mod intervention than he’s already got, and he’s complied with mod instructions. I’d leave him alone unless he does something that warrants more intervention.

I think he takes as insults things that are not intended to be insults, or slights. Seems a bit touchy, quick to anger. I closed the thread in question for a day, so things would calm down. Hopefully, nothing more will happen.

I get ill for the weekend, come back and MJ1 has gone from posting nothing but gun-porn and the odd smiley to slagging off everyone (including rather amusingly a bunch of ex-US servicemen who I’m quite sure have more time on ops than he ever will) and generally being a problem child. If he keeps acting like that, he’s probably going to need more than the thread to be locked for 24 hours!

He has been lurking over the thread for a couple days, but hasn’t posted anything. Either he is stewing up a response, or will toddle off and behave himself.