Mod Check!

Im a bit concerned about the presence of our mods. Dani and FF you have been good at stating what you are up too and I know that you are busy. PK you are usually on once a day…props from me to you. And if you leave you usually tell the whole forum.

PK props again to you for surpassing Erwin in posts. Just glad to have the most post held by an active member. And a bit less crazy one at that. :wink:

FW and SS Tiger WTF is the deal guys? FW you havent been around in at least a week. I have no idea what your up too. This cant continue. SSTiger I see you come around more often but you dont say anything nor have you tried to even test your mod skill. Tell me what would you do! This cant continue either. I really like both of you guys but if this style continues youll will be demodded.

To sum up…I have only one mod that is on once a day and that is PK.

On the Forum it says View Forum Leaders! How the hell can you be a forum leader if your never around? If you busy thats one thing! But ppl that are on here once a day. Namely myself and PK. ww2admin kicks in as well. We need to know whats up. Im not asking you to guard the forum constantly. But at a minimum its your job to log on at least once a day just for a couple of minutes. Check for crap and take proper action.

Im coming to the end of my masters program. I hope to be on as much as I can. Plus its always a good break. What im seeing is that I have one person that can really back up the forum besides me and ww2 admin. Thats kinda silly since i have 5 mods.

If you cant do your job … its no shame. Crab_to_be was a good mod and when he had to leave he told me. So please evaluate your self and let me know. I know you guys are busy. But I dont think im asking to much for you to just log on once a day for a couple of minutes.

Just let me know WTF is up?!?! Ill pm this to you so you dont miss the chance to voice your opinion.

If it comes down to it I will start handing out warning but this should not have to happen! Just tell me whats up!

No much to comment General, If you need a Master Moderator while you are out…:wink:

And yes we need more presence of the other guys.

Well I try to do the once a day thing, sometimes its just not possible as where I go doesnt have regular internet or if it does occasionally its just too risky to travel to it.

My last Gulf tour for instance it was 6 miles to the nearest terminal. Which on a good day took about 4 hours, in a convoy, if you volunteered to do Top cover. Not for the feight of heart just to post a message.

I have been around more often lately and have been posting quite regularly, but with me its off and on I’m afraid. Once again I will be away for a month starting a week Friday. Although I’m off to Tucson so I envisage work permitting I will be able to be on at least once every couple of days.

That said. If you feel that you need Mods that are more committed I will freely stand down and give my place to someone more dedicated. I’m not on this site for personal gain after all and if someone can do it better than me and give more time than I can then let them roll with it.

You in Command, so do what you think is best.

I think the Gen Sandword message is more dedicated to FW and SS Tiger, everybody know your occupation and this is a really serious one. :cool:

Cheers Panzer, but whatever we do, we should be aware of our commitments to the site and if we cant give the minimum time then regardless of our jobs we should be prepared to abide by those commitments.

Yeap, that is also true.

Absolutely true!

In the last month I was online once or twice a week. I should PM about it but I didn’t. Take whatever actions you might consider properly.

Sadly I had to let FW and SS Tiger go. I hope they will continue to visit the site.

Just to make things clear…Nick, GE, PK and pdf are our mods. Their boss is FF. Now we all are to take care of mod issues. But I am here to consider site issues and FF is here to watch mods. My job is to consider how we can make things better for the members. FF job is to watch mods and consult on site matters. The rest of you are to mod. If we are not doing enough then you should tell us! This does not mean that FF and myself are not to mod but we do at a lesser extent. As per a deal with PK the Other Wars section is guarded by Nick, GE and PDF.

Im not complaining. Just making clear what tasks are delegated to whom!

You all are staff and we want your input. Also…as staff members your voice is heard equally as mine. I reserve the right of dictator in certain issues but for the most part this is a democracy. 90% of the time WE decide what is best for the forum. Not me.

This can change. ww2admin has given me alot of freedom with the forum. If I decide to retire then (at the moment) FF would replace me. He can/will have his own way to work things. As now we have a retired staff maybe a vote in the future would be interesting. In the end it’d ww2admin’s site so…up to him

Soon I will be announcing the end of the year clean up and what mods are to take what sections. FYI

Sounds Ok to me. I still think we have the best team of Mods since the Forum was started and have absolute faith in the guys we have now to do the right thing.


I’m a bit embarassed that I have to agree once more with FF!:smiley:

You, FF!..