Modified T-34??

i find this on net but dont have much info on the modification, does anyone know what would the extra part of the tank do? and what country would make that change to such a tank? thanks

Well, perhaps I should not answer not knowing for sure…

But I will bet… such thing must be ex-Yugoslav Army invention! To be more precise - Serbian mob.

I doubt if this thing is intended to detonate mine fields… I would rather say that demolishing of undefended villages is the main purpose of this “weapon”.

BTW. Non existent Yugoslavia produced many amazing weapons systems born mainly in “partisan” mind of their superhero marshal Tito.
Do you know any of them?
Share the knowledge!



so you are saying that the purpose of that “weapon” is used against cilivians rather than using it in a war?

This was the case during the war in former Yugoslavia…

If you look at the plate on the left side of front armor, you’ll notice a silver plate with a some east-asian letters. I would say it is some chinese, north-korean or vietnamese mod.

To light for me to possibly translate.

look at teh aircraft for your answer.

it could be those types of guys if you know what im talking about people who like to mod there cars for more horsepower and so forth, just these guys liked to do it in the older ages and instead with tanks… i have never seen a model build like that out of the factory

If I were a betting man, I’d wager that is was a rocket launcher configuration…

BTW, I believe an aircraft carrier behind it has Harriers on deck. So I have no idea what to make of this.



while by the look of the paint i bet it is sitting somewhere stuck to the ground as in its a exibit or something… the top looks like it is sealed shut and the turret isn’t going to move

I’ve seen the photo before.
Its at a modern Chinese weapons fair.

Don’t know the weapon fitted to the T34/85 though :frowning:

alright that answered alot of debating…

i guess i was right:) :slight_smile:

so this isn’t WW2 because then it wouldn’ be a modern weapons fair it would be a historical fair so that would mean that it was originally a T-34 but was modified later this centuary.

i guessing 60’s paint is too new for the 40’s-50’s…or they just repainted it…

I 've done some more digging on this tank, and I’ve found out a little more about it.
Its at the National Defense Center in Shanghai’s Oriental Oasis Park, and it is a post-war modification
Here’s another photo.

ps, The Aircraft Carrier behind it is actually a fake, its made out of concrete:shock:

Concrete, oh wow!