Molders funeral. - German Air Force | Gallery

Molders funeral.

Martin Bormann, Hitler and Erhard Milch at Werner Molders' funeral ceremony, Air Ministry, Berlin, 28 November 1941. In the second row, Julius Schaub (Hitlers Adjutant-in-Chief) and SS-Sturmbannfuhrer (later Gruppenfuhrer) Dr. Karl Brandt - a real doctor, unlike some of Hitler's other "medical advisers". Molders was killed in an air accident, somewhat ironically, while on his way to attend the funeral of Ernst Udet, which took place in the same location shortly before. Best regards, JR.

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Werner Mölders travelling as a passenger in a Heinkel He 111 bomber of the Lyftwaffe’s Kampfgeschwader 27 "Boelcke" (KG27) to attend the Udet’s funeral, on 22 November 1941. The plane, coming from Crimea, crashed on landing at Breslau because poor visibility. Mölders was buried in the Invalidenfriedhof Cemetery in Berlin near Udet in turn buried next Manfred von Richthofen. On 22 November 1941 another Luftwaffe’s general, travelling to Berlin for the Udet’s funeral, died in an air crash because the poor visibility. Best regards, Victor Sierra