"Molotov's bread basket" - Homefront | Gallery

"Molotov's bread basket"

Finnish Civil Guard boy next to a "Molotov's bread basket" The RRAB-3 was a Soviet-made droppable bomb dispenser that combined a large high-explosive charge with a cluster of incendiary bombs. It was used against the cities of Finland during the Winter War of 1939–1940. The bomb consisted of a cylinder 2.25 metres (7.4 ft) long and 0.9 metres (3.0 ft) in diameter. At the beginning of the Winter War in 1939, the Soviet Foreign Minister Molotov claimed that Russia was not bombing Finland, but merely dropping food to starving Finnish people. The Finns soon dubbed the RRAB-3 cluster bomb as "Molotov's bread basket", and named the improvised incendiary device that they used to destroy Soviet tanks the Molotov cocktail, as "a drink to go with the food".

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at https://ww2incolor.com/gallery/homefront/35586/%22molotov's-bread-basket%22

So there the name for the Molotov Cocktails comes from…

if one simply glances at this photo, it looks profane…leave it to the Russians.