Moonbat experimental aircraft - US Army Air Force | Gallery

Moonbat experimental aircraft

McDonnell XP-67 "Bat/Moonbat", 1944. Only one made. Did not see combat.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

The whole design philosiphy was to make the entire airframe into a lifting body with aerofoil shapes covering every surface, even above and below the engines. Great care was taken to ensure smooth transitions between all aerodynamic surfaces.

I hate to say it, but this photo also looks a little funky to me. The outline of the plane is so crisp – wouldn’t the plane taking the photo have had to match speeds PERFECTLY? And was film fast enough to catch turning propeller blades so clearly (only a miniscule amount of blurring)? Planes are not my main interest, so I spend relatively little time looking at their photos, and I am certainly not a photography expert.