More Asian Troops in German Army during D-Day

I can’t remember if this one was posted in here yet, but check this out!

I found more often pictures of the the arabian soldiers than this japanese like.

Hard to say where exactly these guys are from. More likely chinese, korean and other area’s. I doubt that Japan lent to many soliders to Germany and vice versa. I would like to see any info on this. Interesting picture thou.

I seem to remember a similar thread here before (last year?)

At any rate, I have seen the picture before and according to the caption they were part of a Japanese military mission studying the Atlantic Wall fortifications when they were caught up in the Normandy invasion.

Look at these…

German Asiatic.jpg

While the second person is dressed like any other German solider the Asian person in the front has a distinctive bagde on his right arm. This would be nice to identify that patch.

The 3 pictures are generally well known. Thanks for the first one though, originally it did not show the captured Asian Wehrmacht volutneers in such detail, along with the 2 guards. Note that some of them do not have the M36, M40 and M43 uniforms on, possibly making the prisoners who are not wearing uniform non-combatant hiwis.


i think i saw those pictures before too, more likely its pictures from the nationalists before ww2. Germany and china has deals that would equipped chinese nationalists army with german equipment, those german equipped chinese soldiers were one of the first defence force against the japanese invasion.

The first picture posted is definitely from the Normandy invasion because I’m going through a stack of them. However, the captions don’t say much.

Here’s the caption for the first photo: “US Navy : débarquement américain en Normandie : Deux américains de chaque coté d’un groupe de prisonniers Wehrmacht, d’origine centrale asiatique et passés de l’uniforme soviétique à l’uniforme allemands.”

Anyone know what it says?

US Navy: American unloading in Normandy: Two American of each with dimensions of a group of Wehrmacht prisoners, central origin Asian and last of the Soviet uniform to the uniform German.

As translated from google. Think they just mean that they were Asians fighting for the Red Army and drafted into the Wehrmacht.

The first picture i posted of the two sitting down is not from the Normandy invasion, just a general picture taken from the war.
The second picture , i am convinced, is from the dday landings at Normandy.
Please correct if i am wrong.



Really enjoying the site. Well done guys.

Well, considering how many russian/eastern battalions wehrmacht had in the Normandy, one could say that the D-Day was all about american/uk allied forces fighting “russian” allied forces ;-D

Another one…

These look like Indian troops.

German Indian recruites.jpg

I suppose it may be simple. It is neither chineese nor korean. It is just just some national based units formed from soviet prisoners of war or volanteers from soviet central-asian republics. Something like Kazachstan or Turkmeniya. Typical faces for that regions. I can see such on the market every day.:smiley:

This is Japan specialist. On the patch Japan flag - sun with rays.

Yes, its soldiers from the Infanterie-Regiment 950 (indische) (or Legion Freies India) being inspected by non other than Rommel somewhere in nothern France.

The soldiers are most certainly not japanese, but former russian POW:s or volonteers from the southern part of Soviet Union. Due to Hitlers misstrust in the russian (and other formations made up of volunteer from the Soviet Union), he transfered units from the Eastern Front to the Western Front. The German army also equipped POW or HIWI that was posted in the West, with weapons in anticipation of the Allied landing in France 1944.
Most of these soldiers had volunteered to fight Soviet forces, not the Western Allies and their combat value was rather poor.

After the war most of these was handed over to the Soviet Union, and most faced either long sentences in Gulag or was shot as they arrived “home”.

Ive seen numerous photographs of captured German soldiers from d-day and they had the faces of Asian troops. I believe that a lot of the troops that were at Normandy were Recruits from other countries resulting in Asian troops in Normandy

Wow thats extreamly interesting, They were studying the wall to see how to bluid they’re own, or to make that one better?

Anyone know?

Wow thats extreamly interesting, They were studying the wall to see how to bluid they’re own, or to make that one better?

Anyone know?[/QUOTE]

The one I saw was posted on these forums on 15 Feb 2006
by savoy6 and quoted below:

Part of a thread started 13 Feb 2006