More Fanboi stuff

Our good pal Witman111 has stopped by again, leaving more pearls of fanboi wisdom.


I don’t mind this provocative stuff, as long as it doesn’t stray into rampant pro-Nazi stuff.

That’s not to say I’d encourage anyone to post it, but F*ckWitman111 hasn’t crossed any boundaries yet and it’s reasonable to engage him in debate.

We’ve had a few in the past who started out a bit like F*ckWitman111 who, surprisingly, moderated at least their online opinions under the pressure of challenges from better informed members with the occasional threat of being banned or given a holiday. A shining example is herman something from Canada. Another is Chevan, in whose conversion I played not a small part in PMs.

Abrupt banning merely confirms these ****wits in their belief that they are being persecuted for speaking the truth known only to their few. A bit of debate sometimes encourages them to think a bit more widely.

Wasn’t meaning he should be banned, not that I have any great patience for his ideology. His posts engage the members, and he may learn something from it given time. He seems a bit of a lightweight, so you might well cause him to question what he’s been fed.

I don’t mind slightly provacative stuff either. But we have to decide at somepoint if a poster is just a silly, misguided “panzer/SS/Heer” fanboi or a legitimate shithead Neonazi sort of trying to broach things softly with the, “gee, maybe Hitler wasn’t so bad.”

The other end of things is the “Eric Cartman Affect” where one, well, watch for yourself: (audio only parody of Hitler and Mel Gibson’s Passion of the Christ)

The membership is fraying his Breeks well enough, if he’s a lightweight, he’ll take off pretty soon, I have noticed he uses language similar to other Hitler trolls who have posted here, “let’s skip media campaign and dig deeper, shall we.” type of distraction. the “shall we” was used IIRC by Kurt, and another I cant recall. Not that its a big deal, but I wonder if they take these statements, and followup arguments from some website, and tailor them to fit whatever threads they start.

Plus, I think we need to add this function for dealing with spammers, and trolls.


I’ve given him the mail (an Australian expression which is shorthand for explaining something to someone in need of, among other things, a clear and firm explanation of their conduct and its potential consequences) at #18

So do I, but it’s not big enough. :wink: :smiley:

Just had a bit of fun with his economics post. I love playing with trolls who can’t count :smiley:

It’s hard to resist, isn’t it?

I can’t resist winding horst up.

I do get the feeling Horst is either a meatpuppet, or we’re seeing yet another “organised” forum invasion from some neo-nazi forum.

Alternatively, they could both be this chap :wink:

Horst has been here before, and was previously banned I believe, can’t remember the exact username…

Probably Horst.

They’re not smart. :wink: :smiley:

He’s done “Strategieberatung, Projektmanagement, Prozessmanagement, Qualitätsmanagement, Testmanagement, Organisationsberatung, Riskmanagement für Banken, Versicherungen, Handel und Industrie.”

If that’s not neo-Nazi stuff by a modern day Speer, I don’t know what is. :wink: :smiley:

Not convinced, none of his (many) IP addresses match any other users in the records…

Nor should you…


He changed it. C’mon, how many Ecuadorans post on WWII sites? :smiley:

What the hell was his name?!


Are you thinking of Kurt? or Helga ?


I think he re-registered after his IP changed for whatever reason…