More on the Bofors/MAVAG 80 mm AA Gun and Carriage - Hungarian Forces | Gallery

More on the Bofors/MAVAG 80 mm AA Gun and Carriage

As luck would have it, I have found another original photo of the gun in question, including the corresponding two wheeled carriage. At another site, the following description showed up as well -- in Hungarian, which I have translated. "Bofors 29 M 8 cm-es légvédelmi ágyú a honi légvédelem fő eszköze volt, s megtalálható a kivonuló csapatoknál és a Folyamőrség hajóin is. Tömörgumi-abroncsos kétkerekű szállítótengelye kis sebességet engedett meg, ezért vontatóként megfeleltek a lassú KV-40 traktorok is." "The Bofors 29M 8cm anti-aircaft gun was the mainstay of [Hungarian] home air defense and it can be found with both the advancing armies and the river naval force as well. Its two-wheel carriage with solid rubber tires allowed only for low speeds, therefore the slow KV-40's [Hoefer] proved to be suitable tractors." Thanks for your interest and I have learned a great deal in the process of the exchanges.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

I find this very interesting, especially when compared to the 4-wheel carriage used for the similar-size German 88, USA 90, and Soviet 85 mm guns. I know the US 90 and German guns could be fired when necessary from the traveling position (and suspect the Soviet 85mm could too) - but I am guessing that might not be practical with the arrangement above. A good find, Gulf.

Now all I would like to see is it in its travelling position, its been an enlightening few days looking for information about this. The couple of books I have on AA equipment or the ‘minor’ armies really cover the Czech, Polish forces.
Hungarian and Romanian has started to interest me a bit more recently so this has been welcome.