Mortar fire for effect - US Army | Gallery

Mortar fire for effect

70th Infantry Division mortar crew of D Company, 276th Infantry Regiment firing for effect during the battle for Forbach, France on February 27, 1945. Forbach is located on the German border approximately 15 minutes from the center of Saarbrücken, Germany,

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

The 1944 table of organization and equipment for a US Army infantry battalion was:

1-Headquarters Company with 120 men equipped with
8 60 mm. bazookas
3 57 mm. antitank guns
2 .50 caliber machineguns
6 .30 caliber machineguns
3- Rifle Companies (with 190 men each)
each with:
5 60 mm. bazookas
3 60 mm. mortars
1 .50 caliber machinegun
2 .30 caliber machineguns
1- Weapons Company with 130 men and
6 60 mm. bazookas
8 81 mm. mortars
1 .50 caliber machinegun
8 .30 caliber machineguns
1- Medical Platoon with 30

Total manpower in a battalion was ~ 850 men.