Most decorated priest - Italian Forces | Gallery

Most decorated priest

Don Mazzoni, military chaplain. After a first gold medal (maximum Italian military award) on the Carso front in 1917, he received another gold medal in 1941 in Russia for having rescued some soldiers under enemy fire. His last christian and human act on this heart. DVX

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Just to clarify, DVX - was he killed in Russia ? I would say (as a "lapsed" Catholic) that individuals like this give the lie to the recent notion that the Roman Catholic priesthood is composed of moral reprobrates and hypocrits. Clearly a brave, Christian gentleman. Lord rest him. Best regards, JR.

Well said JR! And don’t forget…it’s never too late to come back!! dig out your Rosary old chap!!

Yes he died during the rescue. He also was awarded of a silver medal and 2 bronze medals in WWI.