Most effective German division

So which was most effective German division ie. which one got most work done ?
I would think rather hard between Leibstandarte AH, Das Reich and GrossDeutschland. Considering LAAH spawned impressive lineup of titans like Wittman, and fought for every mile from Dunkirk to Rostov on Don, I’ll go with it :mrgreen:.

Even 6th Army in Stalingrad fantasized that LAAH would come and save them (according to Beevor) … enough said

I believe it was the Vergraben Registrierung Einheit that got the most work done for Germany in WW II.

err… come again :slight_smile: - Ich habe nicht du versten or something like that :mrgreen:

You haven’t heard of this unit?

Everywhere it went, it left thousands of dead behind it.

Not a unit you’d want to encounter.

You mean ‘Ich verstehe nicht’. The problem with the Vergraben Registrierung Einheit was that they left bodies alles uber der platz, a very messy bunch.

You may find a translation matrix helpful . This unit was extraordinarily efficient, and exacting in their work,and absolutely no one who ran afoul of them was ever seen again…

Ouch, causes me an eye cancer!

You have a more exact definition of their name?

I sometimes wish they could assist with a few members of this forum!

I meant the latest pidgin-German in general but since you’re asking…
Actually there were no grave registration units in the German forces but “Wehrmachtgräberoffiziere” (WGO’s, Wehrmacht grave officers) on army level and “Truppengräberoffiziere” (troop grave officers) attached down to every regiment respectively independent battalion. With divisions this task was usually done by the field chaplains. Every regiment/independent battalion had to deploy a team of 4-5 men led by an NCO to support the grave officer.

I think the Gepanzert Sturm Zombie group is still alive, they could help out… The GSZ program was brought into being to counter the soviet Проект зомби Ленин, (zombie project Lenin) Lenin was cursed to this Fate by Rasputin for his role in the murders of the Romanov Family. (which is the true reason his body never decayed, and was kept in the glass coffin to keep an available supply of sample tissue) :wink:

So, if Lenin were ever released, would he start a zombie apocalypse? :shock::wink:

Edit: Oh, the poll, I guess the Panzer-Lehr Division?

[QUOTE=navyson;177582]So, if Lenin were ever released, would he start a zombie apocalypse? :shock::wink:

It would be a revolution of the proletariat Zombies throwing off the yoke of the Bourgeois Zombies. Wait, didnt that happen in 1917?? :wink:

‘Ich verstehe nicht’.

Yeah, exactly that :lol:

In that case “Vergraben Registrierung Einheit” indeed did most work for Germany… very funny

It would be a revolution of the proletariat Zombies throwing off the yoke of the Bourgeois Zombies. Wait, didnt that happen in 1917?

and maybe they could attack Nazi zombies this time first ?
but wait, how can zombies comprehend such term as nation - they have no brain :confused:

One other thing, I noticed 40% people voting for Panzer Lehr. I thought they were “training” division as Lehr itself suggests, only fighting in Normandy in 1944 ?

Battlefield’s Invasion of Normandy and Battle for Caen give much more credit to 12th SS Hitler Jugend fighting British Army almost alone for entire month (Goodwood and such :)), so I am a bit disappointed in Lehr or I am just misinformed…

Other divisions had muchhhh more bloody lifespan… 70.000 people cycled through LAAH for example - which means 50.000 dead KIA/WIA. At Prohorovka bulk of Russian tanks were destroyed by 3 Germanic SS divisions, 30 alone by Wittman on that occasion. GD and Das Reich are not far off either…

I would really not go into war crimes issue. Allied air fleets committed far worse war crimes than any of this divisions and nobody ever said one thing about prosecuting B-17 pilots that dropped nukes killing few hundred thousand civilians at one stroke alone…that of course was heroic deed ever to be celebrated in US history because all civilians are obviously not of equal or probative value

so one sided, finger pointing, off topic war crimes discussions would indeed be pitiful in my view at least

Then if the Allied air crews (as distinct from just pilots as they were all engaged in a supposedly common criminal enterprise) were guilty of war crimes for bombing civilians, so were the German and other Axis air crews who started the bombing of civilians.

So, in the interests of impartial justice, condemn the people who started the bombing of civilians, and who started the war, rather than just the people who finished the bombing of civilians, and who finished the war they didn’t start by using the same tactics used by the people who started it. Just on a larger scale and more effectively.

As ye reap, so shall ye sow.

The biter bit.

And all that.

Does the “some other” option of the Poll include Borussia Dortmund? :slight_smile:
If positive, does someone make me know something about it and i’ll vote for them… :slight_smile: :wink:

The original task of the Panzer-Lehr-Division (actually the largest German tank division ever deployed) was to smash a possible Allied invasion in France. Unfortunately for them they lost a huge part of their armoured vehicles and heavy weapons already on their way to the front caused by Allied air superiority (the infamous “Jabo road to St. Lo” as they called it).

Quote by Witman111: “In that case “Vergraben Registrierung Einheit” indeed did most work for Germany… very funny”

It wasn’t meant to be funny.

I suggest reading a book on Normandy. It was far from just the Hitler Jungends that held the British in check with a bloody form of armored trench warfare. IIRC, it was at least six divisions heavy on panzers that contained the British beachhead. The fact that Monty was a bit of a walt didn’t help things. But in the end, it was the British and Canadian Armies that tied down most of the panzers while the majority of U.S. forces were tied down in the bloody bocage, but ultimately allowing Cobra to eviscerate the Germans once the Americans broke through and ran free…

And I don’t know what ****ing comic book you’re getting your “history” from, but B-17 pilots never dropped nukes, attacking armed/defended cities really were not war crimes (technically), and WTF would that have to do with German divisions…

Yep. Reading Beevor’s D-Day and the Lehr was savaged by Allied raids targeting not just their tanks, but their trucks and supply dumps wrecking havoc on them and prolonging their movements to the sector by days. The Panzer Lehr got the best and brightest of everything. But in being the best, they were sent into the worst and the Lehr could almost be called the ‘Matrix’ division, since they were almost completely destroyed and rebooted more than once I believe. I voted for the Lehr actually not least of which for their skilled, heroic defense in Normandy in the face of an overwhelming Allied bludgeoning and idiotic orders from the ‘Bohemian Corporal’…