
Has anyone found any information on the web about German (or Russian) Motorcycle units? I’m not really interested in the machines themselves but rather the tactics.

As far as I know, the motorcicles wee used in the liason, mail delivery and internal security tasks, no real combat.

BMW R-75.

I belive they were used mostly for escorts and reconnaissance. And the jobs Panzerknacker described. One more thing, Panzer is that a real ww2 photo or a reenactment. For some reason it gives off that feeling that it’s airsoft.

Yeah, one of those officers seems a little large to have made it into the Waffen SS!

Yeah, one of those officers seems a little large to have made it into the Waffen SS![/quote]
That is exacally what I was thinking! :smiley:

I’m not so sure fellas.

This is a genuine picture of a genuine Fallschirmjaeger …

Churchill undercover as a fallschrimjager!

The pic up there is from a reenacting group.

This is one from WW2 years.

The other large Motorcycle in use was the Zundapp KS600.

Anguished at failing selection for the NSKK marching band for the third time, Hermann and his childhood kazoo rode for hours.

Although I have very grave misgivings about SS Reenactors, they can often be a useful source of info about preserved vehicles.

These photos are from

These are from Second Battle Group

I cannot identificate this last one…somebody know what bike it is.?

It’s not German bike for sure…
I think that this is version of chinese Chang-Jiang, painted a’la Wehrmacht and with some fancy additions to make it look a bit like BMW R71.

But I could be wrong.


It seems like a british motorcycle to me.

The little 2-stroke is a DKW NZ350. According to different sources, somewhere between 12000 and 45,000 were produced for the Wehrmacht. After the war the Soviets stole the tooling and shipped it back to Mother Russia.

There are some good detailed pictures here.

For those looking to buy one, there is one one ebay. Very tempting.

1943 AK Zuendapp 750 MC

Very rare too… it has an “AFRICAN CORE” :roll:

I saw a 1942 BMW outfit for sale at a recent classic bike show. It was original down to the divisional markings, complete with MG42, drum mags and all the period personal effects stowed in and on the sidecar. A bargain at £16,500 :shock:

Okay…So the seller cant type…good thing we never make a typo huh? :wink:

Interesting I have no idea that the german army used two-stroke motorcicles. More thisrty engine than 4 stroke.