Movies that can make you cry

There are plenty of movies otu there and out of all of them theres only a select few that can start the water works any of you got any movies that get to you

P.S. For some reason my dog skip gets me every time

Saving Private Ryan:
I know the scene is set up to be sad, but it still gets me. When it shows Mrs. Ryan washing dishes and the car carrying the military attaches and pastor pull up to the house and she sinks down in grief on the porch when she sees them get out of the car. Touching.

i agree with navyson
Saving Private Ryan
Another moment that makes me sad is the one when Caparzo gets hit by the sniper and tells doc to copy the letter he had wrote for his father in case he die cause is full in blood

I agree with navyson. That scene is a real choker.

Can’t think of the film or its title, but there’s one where two or three military wives go down the street in the married quarters to inform another wife that her husband had been killed in Vietnam, while other wives dread their approach as nobody knows who it will be.

Also, The Best Years of Our Lives (1946) and aspects of Born on the Fourth of July, among other films.

There were some moving scenes in the television series China Beach.

The last sequence of “The Thin Red Line” is a tear-jerker…

The film was called “We Were Soldiers” with Mel Gibson.

Maybe we all have soft spots in our hearts for our mothers…and wives.:slight_smile:

I saw this movie about this guy who tried to save this other guy in the battle field and a bomb went off and he died. I don’t know the name of the movie, but it was real sad. Maybe you saw it. It was during the war somewhere in Europe, starring that guy who played really great. I think he is dead now in real life, but he was dam good actor. What a sad movie.I wish I knew the name of the movie so I could watch it again. If anyone knows the name, let me know,I would appreciate it.

ill go with Schindler’s List. pretty tuff sitting thru that…

Not crying, but misty eyed:

The Fighting Sullivans (especially the ending scene)

The Wings of Eagles (closing scene)

Mr Roberts (closing scene)

Heaven Knows Mr Allison (toward the end)


I’ve tried to find that scene on YouTube but can’t. I did, however, find this clip. It ain’t a choker, but it’s nice.

I loved that scene! It was in the deleted outtakes.

Thanks for that.

I couldn’t remember it in the movie, but it’s a long time since I saw the movie and I just assumed that I’d forgotten it.

No WW2 movie (but since “We were soldiers” isn’t either…).
“Black Hawk Down” , the death of CPL. James E. “Jamie” Smith.

Ive got a sad one for you, called A Midnight Clear. It tugs on youre heart strings.

The part in “Full Metal Jacket” where the acting platoon leader, and PVT (now SGT) Joker’s bootcamp friend, is killed by a sniper, dying slowly…

Actually, I find the sequence where the medic, Wade, bleeds to death after being riddled by an MG-42, to be probably one of the most upsetting in all war films…

That comment actually relates to WWII.

I’ve posted this in another thread, but there was a great deal of resentment among many Australian soldiers towards American troops in Australia who were much better paid and much more attractive to some Australian women.

During the scene where Bambi cries out “Where’s my mother?” an Australian soldier stood up in the theatre and yelled out “She’s out with a bloody Yank!”, which got great applause from the audience.

Actually, when I was little and saw the movie for the first time, it did make me cry.:frowning:

Old Yeller hit me a lot harder as a kid when Tommy Kirk (can’t remember his character’s name) had to kill Old Yeller.

Bambi was sad but it was just a cartoon to me as a kid.