Movies That Need to be Done

With the innovations that CGI offers as a tool for storytelling, it seems to me that some of the larger scale subjects could be expored. Bay’s Pearl Harbour offers some technical examples but falls short everywhere else. I’d suggest a do-over if the market would support it but there are more than doubts that this would occur within the next decade.
The first battle that comes to mind is Kursk. Why is a battle of such grandeur so well ignored by Hollywood? Enemy at the Gates proved that there was some interest in the Russian Front. Imagine all the eye candy as T34s, KVs and ISUs tangle with Panthers, Tigers and Panzers. I haven’t got the or-bat handy but I believe that the world’s largest land engagement is worth a few feet of celluloid.

I think a movie on Werner Hartenstein and the crew of U156 should be made.

Perhpaps for the same reason that Hollywood has yet to make a movie which recognises that the Germans were defeated in the east rather than the west.

D-Day and subsequent advances were undoubtedly heroic efforts, but no more so than many Soviet efforts which closed the pincers from the east.

How about German version of Band of Brothers?

That is a great idea.

Hollywood needs to make things that appeal to the masses, doing a war movie that involves Americans would do better in the American market than a movie about the war in the east.

I wouldn’t mind seeing a German Band of Brothers either but it might end up been at the end of some bad press.

A German band of brothers might sell in Germany…how well did Stalingrad do when it came out there?