Mustang over Ramitelli - US Army Air Force | Gallery

Mustang over Ramitelli

Four North American P-51 Mustang of US Army Air Forces 332nd Fighter Group flying in formation over Ramitelli Airfield, Foggia Airfield Complex, Southern Italy, in March 1945. The 332nd FG was the famous Group of "Tuskegee Airmen," an all-African American fighter unit. Victor Sierra

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About 3 years ago, my father and I flew out to the “Mustang Round-up” held in Columbus, Ohio (USA.) As we exited our rental car I heard a buzz over my right shoulder. As I looked up and to the right 3 P-51 Mustangs dove on us just as if they were coming in for a strafing run. It was surreal. Even knowing they weren’t armed, a primal fear crept through me. I thought how terrifying the real experience had to have been.

That day, 8 Tuskegee Airmen climbed back into their (or loaned) planes and flew again. Pretty amazing day. I believe 15 P-51s flew simultaneously that day. The announcer said it was largest number since the P-51 was retired from service.

Yes bradley I know what you mean.Over 10 years ago I visited an airshow here in Belgium .Only one Mustang performed, executing a mock aircombat with dives and steep climbs.That supercharged engine sound just gives you goosebumbs :).That and the sound of a Spitfire whizzing by.Just great!