My Dearest Apologies.

Ladies & Gentlement of the Board, WWII in Color,

It is to my belief, that I am deeply sorry for my portrayal of a Waffen-SS sniper by the name of Wolfgang Von Gottberg. I’ve been obsessed and fascinated with the subject for some time, and soon you’ll read why.

My name is actually Brendan Schwabe, and I go by McKraut on other boards. I am 13 years on and live in Vermont. I have been a very stupid and ignorant lad, but I have come to my senses in the way I must apologize. I can not keep a continuous written lie.

My great uncle, Hans Knospler, was an infantry-man in the Waffen-SS in the Eastern Front campaigns. Rumors of relative say he was a sniper/sharpshooter. He’s currently 6ft. under. The story I had typed, about having to be forced to join the Waffen-SS, was his story. I am upset he is not here to explain it. Please do not ask me any further information on him, because I know barely any. I don’t know his unit, battles, etc. I’m currently trying to dig up as much information on him as possible. He retired from the front with frostbite in his genital area, and I believe that the color photo I have as my avatar is him. I am not certain. I do know though that the Ardennes story I wrote to you is true (So I am told by my elderly relatives) I’ve been fascinated by the subject of him for months, but I want you to believe that I am NOT part of the ANP (American Nazi Party). As just like most of you, I just find the subject gripping and utterly interesting.

I decided to see what it would be like to be a and portray a Waffen-SS vereran on the board, and I am deeply, sincerely, dearestly sorry for decieving some of you into believing me. I will make sure it will never happen again.

(Wolfgang Gottberg is actually the script name of the German gefreiter sniper in Saving Private Ryan who will need to be seeing an eye doctor soon :wink: )

I am very impressed with the continuous knowledge of all of you, and I am happy that you’d accept a suspicious “79 year old veteran”, for there may be an actual one out there - you never know.

If you’d enjoy it, I would be extremely happy to share all of the photos I’ve collected of the German Wehrmacht & SS over the web. I’ve actually began putting together a mannequin display of original and reproduction Waffen-SS equipment as a little ‘Salute’ to my late great uncle. It’s nearly finish and I’ve nearly spent $4,000 on it :shock: . I’ll upload photos when it will be completed (Few weeks)

Thankyou for busting me, for I wouldn’t be able to keep writing this lie.

All I ask is that you accept my apology, for I am deeply sorry. I am sure you cannot believe me on my examples of ‘Truthiness’, but you’ll just have to truse me :wink:

Many Sincere Thanks,
Brendan Schwabe

I’d also like to add that I am extremely embarressed, but feel good that I am letting out my apologies. I hope you can read this and understand. I’ve also edited all of my lies to not decieve others. Best not to make this problem worse :wink:

I think one reason why I might have done this stupid act of lying is because I feel all of you as rolemodels for a history-freak like me. It will NEVER happen again. Please accept this dearest apology.

Many thanks,
Brendan Schwabe


Keep it real as Ali-G says.

In the meanwhile the Moderators are talking about the future of the member Wolfgang.

Wolf, thanks for coming clean so quickly and not trying to dig yourself a deeper hole (as I have seen others do). What you did isn’t that uncommon on forums like this and your apology does you credit.

The trick I find with the internet is you never quite know who is reading what you post. So honesty is the best policy in my mind.

Thanks for the good police work BAS…

I agree and thankyou, bas

I suspected it the moment I first saw your post. Thanks for admitting your mistake and we respect you more for it.