My father T/Sgt. Raymond Heilman - Ancestor Photos | Gallery

My father T/Sgt. Raymond Heilman

My father T/Sgt. Raymond Heilman. We live in the USA in the State of Pennsylvania. For many years, a couple centuries, Germans were the largest population group in our state. Many did not learn English until attending school for our grandparents. In WWII many German/Americans fought in Europe against Germans who often had the same names and cultural roots. My father fought in the Pacific in the Army Air Corp and even there many of his Squadron were of German/American Heritage.

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He enlisted in 1937 because there were not jobs. My father was present at Hickam on 12/7/1941 when the Japanese Attacked Hickam and then Pearl Harbor. He served through out the Pacific as a Armorer 911 on B-17s and B-24.