My fav.ww2

These are my favorite movies what are yours

Band of Brothers
Saving Private Ryan
Battle ground deals with the 327th glider infantry regiment at Bastogne
A bridge to far

schindlers list

The great escape

Reach for the sky

and as a tv series band of brothers

The great escape was a good movie you cant beat steve Mcqueen in the motorcycle scene I have it on dvd widescreen

i ony found out a couple of weeks ago that Steve Mcqueen also dressed up as a German and did some motor bike riding in the chase

LOL I once heard that the drummer for The Who, Kieth Moon --who was a complete nut-- lived next to McQueen in France I believe…

After the film came out, Moon rented a Nazi SS uniform, and used to goose-step back and forth in front of McQueen’s villa…:smiley:

Band of Brothers
The Great Escape.
A Bridge Too Far
To Hell and Back

Honorable mention.

The Battle of the Bulge (unrealistic I know, but I still like it)
Von Ryan’s Express

Battle of the Bulge
Dad’s Army

schindlers list

saving pvt ryan

the gallant hours

the boat

30 secs over tokyo

  1. Saving Private Ryan

  2. Downfall

  3. The Train