My new Mosan Nagant

i just bought a new Mosan with sling, ammo case, tools, and grease for $90. Now i want to buy a bayonet. Anyone one know where i came get one?

You really bought a mosan Nagant for $90, that’s awesome mate !, do you have any pictures of it ?? :smiley: :smiley:
I think you can also buy bayonets from ebay, im not sure.
Because it’s a Russian Gun it may be heard to find one but try this site anyway :wink:

If it’s a Russian one (& not a Finnish one) you’ll need the bayonet to make it shoot to point-of-aim, since they were zeroed at the factory to be fired with the bayonet fixed.

Mark Kubes has some bayonets for the M1891/30:

Unless your not a terrorist :lol: , having a mosan nagant would be really cool. 8)

Thanks for the hints guysthey have been helpful and I can may get so pics when i figure out how to do that :? Its Russian and its really nice.

A little more info on my rifle, its a Mosin Nagant M38 Carbine. It is a shorter verson of the normal infantry rifle and was give to airmen, artillary men, etc. The date of its make is 1942 ( but its never been used)
and is the early model that differed from the M44 Carbine only that it did not have a attacked bayonet. I will try and get some pics of it and post them.

You mean M38 carbine…

(btw, I had an article published in Target Sports in the UK about the M44 carbine a few years back)

You mean M38 carbine…

(btw, I had an article published in Target Sports in the UK about the M44 carbine a few years back)[/quote]

Yes my bad, has been corrected


Congrats on purchasing a great rifle! Mosins are great rifles. Just so you know, because the M38 was intended for auxcellery troops, they were designed to not accept bayonets. So if you get one, don’t be surprised when it doesn’t fit.

Heres a link from my site on how to disassemble the bolt:

Have fun shooting it!

I never knew they were designed without bayonets, surely they would of made more models of the Mosan that can equip a bayonet.

If the bayonet doesn’t fit and your still quite keen to have one just use cella-tape or superglue :lol: :lol:

All the models of Mosin-Nagant except the M1891 Cossack (rare), M1907 carbine (rare), and M38 carbine took a bayonet - the majority of Mosin-Nagants took a bayonet and were sighted to be fired with the bayonet fixed (without the bayonet the point of impact is very different - on my M1891/30 it was about 12" high & 20" right IIRC at 200 yds).

Bayonet-equipped models are:

M1891 Dragoon
M44 carbine (side-folding)

Scabbards were never issued - the bayonet was expected to be kept fixed at all times, or carried reversed over the muzzle, hence why they’re sighted for fixed bayonets.

Russia is such a large vast country, i mean i wouldn’t of thought when they defended their country that they would use bayonets.
Alot of the battles were on fields and cities, fairly spaced out, bayonets would surely be useless there ?

Err, no. In many situations you eventually have to close with the enemy and fight hand-to-hand. Without a bayonet you’re fecked. Russian doctrine has always been based heavily around the bayonet, and it was not unknown for Russian soldiers to be issued insufficient ammunition, at which point the bayonet becomes their primary weapon.

Hi Jammin! :smiley: ,excuse my late greeting :slight_smile:

o ok good thing i didnt buy one if it cant fit, that would have sucked :?

:lol: a bayonet that doesn’t fit will be good for sticking kebabs on it :lol:

Jamminjustin you should make a collection of colleting World War two era Weaponary mate 8) ?

i already have a bayonet for something(i think a Mauser or Swiss rifle) and lots of models of WWII aircraft and tanks. :smiley: And i have a WWII victory medal, grenade, 50 cal bullet, kevlar helmet(want a steel), and many other things of that nature. When i get more money i can buy a British Enfield or a infantry Mosin Nagant :smiley: dad already has a Springfield. Ive got a little bit and i hope to get even more WWII weapons.

I am starting to collect memorabilia myself, :smiley: , i have a German helmet from 1943 with a bullet hole through it, a Russian Generals Coat from Stalingrad, a Russian Commanders parade coat, a German Great coat, a Soviet Flask from 1945, a scope for a scoped mosan, a German soldier’s compass , a panzer tank shell and heaps more… :smiley: :smiley:

(my panzer tank shell is full of live rifle bullets…at least 150)

Sorry i didn’t mean to post it twice, my internet stuffed up and i accidently clicked submit post twice :oops: :oops: