My next mistake ...

Slim started a number of his examinations of his own conduct of the war in Burma with lines like that.

How many other commanders, on any side, were as able and willing to recognise and correct their own mistakes?

Not many. Few WWII commanders in the least bit self-depreciating.

Is this in Slim’s autobiography? I actually saw it this week at a local, crappy chain bookstore that lacks almost anything of military history that didn’t directly involve the US from the beginning…

Probably in here:

Get it if you can. It’s one of the very few books by WW2 generals that are actually worth reading!

I shall march down there tomorrow…

Did Slim command NATO in the 50s?

That’d be it.

(Well, I’m pretty sure, because I was working from ancient memory. Something else I read reminded me of it.)


He was too busy commanding Australia.

He was our Governor General from 1953 to 1960.

You Yanks don’t know just how bloody lucky you were to kick the Poms out all those years ago, around the same time the Poms were settling us.

The GG is the Queen’s representative in Australia. It’s commonly called a ceremonial position, but it is anything but if push comes to shove.

One of them (an Aussie GG, not even a Pom, which hurts even more) went feral in the mid-1970’s and dismissed a popularly elected national government and replaced it with the lot who’d been rejected at the last election. Imagine the same thing happening around the same time to Nixon. :smiley:

Well of course. Those born and raised in the UK have proper manners, unlike you convicts :wink:

Yeah, but he was the Queen’s representative.

You’d think She’d want someone with a bit of class (Yes, I know that’s a big ask when you’re talking about Aussies :D), instead of a fat drunk who embarrassed himself and Her Maj in 1977 at the most important horse race in the world, the Melbourne Cup, where he couldn’t talk properly in a public presentation because he was as pissed as a newt and the crowd booed him.

Even Australians wouldn’t do that to Liz. Boo Her, I mean. We wouldn’t mind getting Her publicly pissed. :smiley:

Yes, we sent that crowd off, GGs and the rest. Have been quite happy to use their invenstment money since. Thats been quite lucrative letting the furriners invest a pile here, selling them railroad companys, cattle ranches, skyscrapers and whatnot then crashing the prices and buying it all back at forclosure prices.:smiley: How has that sort of scam worked for you Australians?

Not very well.

Our biggest cattle station (ranch) was owned by Pommy Lord Vestey, but the Aborigines went on strike on his station for proper wages and after that things got so bad he buggered off to South America.

I think the Poms are still a bit upset about us trying to knock off Prince Alfred.

We balanced the books by ‘educating’ Prince Charles,9171,941486,00.html and you can see how that’s turned out. :smiley:

If things had turned out better, an Aussie would have replaced Camilla in Chuck’s affections.

Oh come on, you spams can’t take the credit for Wilhelm II!

I dont know what would be you next but the first was signing in.

For fuck’s sake!

Just fucking get over it!

Ha…ha, so tipical…so tipical, you think you are a very amusing guy but you have none of that when somebody try to be with you, the fact is that your stile of naming topics is very odd one…thats why I wrote that, but always with puck this, puck the other, well that demostrate ( if really was some need of ) how really, really stupid and idiotic you are.:rolleyes:

Sport, you need to get back on your medication.

Don’t try to make out you were trying to be funny. You know bloody well how to use emoticons. You were just trolling.

While you clearly enjoy trying to provoke more trouble with me, and with the mods for that matter such as by slagging off Firefly, you are just tediously predictable and showing everybody what a petty, spiteful and erratic little tosser you are, just like when you were a mod.

It’s way, way past time for you to get over your past disputes with me and others, and about being dropped as a mod, but you just can’t let any of it go, can you?

And you can’t handle the fact that, apart from you trying to cause conflicts, the board has been working just fine since you were dropped. It may not meet your erratic and arbitrary standards of modding, but that is precisely why it is working so well since you were dropped.

You’re just becoming a pathetic little troll.

Stop trying to reignite problems that everybody else is happy to let go.

P.S. Puck is a projectile in hockey or a character in A Midsummer Night’s Dream. Don’t be so fucking prissy.

Troll moi ? hihi, hehe, hoho, that is a good one, just make a search on “threads started by Panzerknacker” and you ll see the quality of my “trolling”.

It’s way, way past time for you to get over your past disputes with me and others, and about being dropped as a mod, but you just can’t let any of it go, can you?

It was no my intention to restarted it …the name of this topic was perfect for a joke but the fact you cant take it. and just start launch insults like a desperate man…so my problems will continue.

The thing with Firefly come from looooooong time ago and this topic is not the best place to discuss it.

But I wont bother anymore…just continue with your mistakes, I mean post… or mistaked post… I cannot differenciate between both.

P.S : I dont know what is “prissy”.

Don’t try to bullshit a bullshitter.

You and I both know you weren’t joking. And we both know you’re happy you got a reaction, any reaction, to allow you to post some more of your tedious criticisms of me.

Your trolling is painfully obvious.

As for joking, you barely have a sense of humour, and you certainly haven’t been disposed to display what little humour you have towards me for a very long time.

Not with me, they won’t.

From now on I’ll just ignore your provocations.

One of us has to be grown up about it, and it’s clearly beyond you.

I need to work out my humour, however this topic that seemed mostly intrascendent have some good results. first you recognize you are a bullshitter ( amen to that because was evident for everyone else) and secondly… you grow !! :shock:, congratulations, it was about time, I mean with seventy years and so behind your back.

Provocations ignored.