My site!

Hi everyone, I was directed over here by a member of my site, and from what I’ve seen here, this looks great! I have a small military history site, it kicked off a year ago, and things were going fine until last October when it was completely destroyed by my former 2IC and co-admin :evil: Thanks to some hard work by a core of dedicated members, our rebuild has been quite successful, although much data was unfortunately lost forever. We aim to cover all aspects of military history from Ancient Egypt through to Iraq and Afghanistan, and all points in between! We also have forums for collecting militaria, models, veterans affairs, re-enacting and more! I do look forward to spending more time here at WW2inColour, er, Color! :smiley:


Hello Troy,
I noticed you have a collecting militaria section. Please check with your members and see if anyone is interested in a couple WWII MKII Grenade fuzes and spoons. I have a few that I picked up from a relics dealer years ago. The only cost would be for the cost of shipping, other than that they are free to a good collectors home. These are from 1943 and one spoon is marked M10A2 and the other is M10A3, fuzes are inert and complete. I can post pics if needed. Oh good luck on your site.

Hi Mike, yes, some photos would be helpful - thanks!


Hi Troy,
Here is a pic, they are dirty and need to be cleaned but they are all original and complete, even the pull pins are WWII…those types are getting hard to find.

Hi Troy, I have not heard back from you about these and a member from this site is interested in them for his collection so I’m gonna give to him. I may have a couple more so let me know if interested.

Sorry Mike! I’ve been checking to see if it is okay for me to bring those into the country, and haven’t got a firm answer yet, so that’s cool about the other guy getting them!

Hi Troy, I got a couple more if interested, there yours for the price of shipping. let me know.

Hi Mike,

Where is the Polish Military site?
Excellant question and appreciation for the role of Poland’s military.

I WAS up in Glasgow the other week, and what hit me was the number of Poles working in the city.
May 7 2008 by Sue Scott, Evening Gazette

Waitressing in cafés, looking after bars and valeting in hotels, their accents were often easier to understand than the local lingo, charming as it is.

So why is there so much animosity against Poles?

It has no logic and no cause. And, sadly it is a prejudice that is being aided and abetted by the attitude of our military top brass, who are adamantly refusing to allow Poles ready and willing to enlist in the ranks, to do so.

I think the Generals and the Admirals should pause for a minute and remember the past. We live in a country that went to war 69 years ago to defend Polish freedom and that act was reciprocated by thousands of Poles laying down their lives: 195,000 Poles fought Hitler alongside us Brits, and in all three of the armed services. Arguably, the Battle of Britain would not have been won without the bravery of the 145 Polish pilots defending the skies over Britain. One all-Polish outfit, 303 Squadron, claimed the highest number of kills (126) of all fighter squadrons engaged in the Battle of Britain, even though it only joined the combat weeks into the battle. Just 5% of Polish pilots were responsible for a phenomenal 12% of all the total victories in the Battle.

Polish destroyers and frigates took part in the Battle of the Atlantic and escorted the hazardous Russian Convoys while Polish troops were among the first to set foot on the beaches of Normandy on D-Day.

So, if we were so ready to accept their help in wartime why not now? Our army is short of 5,000 soldiers. We already have 3,000 Nepalese Gurkhas, 2,000 Fijians, and several hundred South Africans, Ghanaians and Zimbabweans. So why not take the Poles? There is a precedent, after all. We already have the Irish Guards, and although getting the exact figures seems to be next to impossible, it is admitted that, under the euphemism of a “special dispensation”, there are plenty of citizens of the Irish Republic serving in the Army, Navy and RAF.

So, if it is fine to allow someone from Cork to wear our uniform, why should we discriminate against someone from Krakow ? My advice to the men in uniform: go and read some 20th century history.

  • Park Bencher -business-news/2008/05/07/i-was-up-in-glasgow-the-other-week-and-what- hit-me-was-the-number-of-poles-working-in-the-city-51140-20869722/

Ireland was formerly part of the British Empire. Poland never has been.

My advice to said journalist - the men in uniform are well aware of it - far more so than a reptile like you. They’re also well aware that the law - as passed by Parliament - mandates that one must be a British, Irish or Commonwealth national to join the armed services.
If she wants the military to change this, then I can only assume she is advocating a military coup…

OH!, now I have seen it all. 2 Extra Mods and still a banned member can get back on to post. They have time to lock threads but banned members get back in like fly cake. Now I have seen it all

Settle down, herman. The guy was banned after he already started his one-man show.