
I’ve looked everywhere I could possibly look on the Internet, and no one seems to know it… Hopefully you all can help me find out the names of these guys:

Pretty much all I know about them is that they’re from Regiment 437… D:

As you can imagine it would be almost impossible to get the names of a bunch of enlisted men (strange thing they do not wear shoulder straps) of an Infanterie-/Grenadier-Regiment.
The only possibility I see is trying to get your hands on a copy of the divisional history of 132. Infanterie-Division:
or here:

The man on the left is Heinz Carl Sweiber of the 437 Regiment. He served in the artillery brigade. He fought on the Russian front between 1943-44 before dying 50 miles north West of St.Petersberg. His surviving wife was given the Iron Cross for his heroric service when he rescued 12 women from a burning church on March 22, 1943, sacrificing his own life in doing so. His step brother is not in the picture but his name was Gunther and he too died in the flames. Heinz Carl Sweiber is a great hero and fought herocially on the russian front

Forgot your medication, herman?:wink:

Holy piss (forgive my language)… Oo Do you got any more info on the guys?

Well, I did a little digging and I think the guy third from the left is an old picture of Hanz Fredreich Shikelluben, before he became promoted to rank of Major. Hanz served as commander and liaison of a small Luftwaffe brigade in northern Hamburg around 1943 , on the outskirts of the Poppenbuttle district near Altona. It is a very early photo from around pre 1940’s in my opinion, as I have never seen him before in such an early photo which you have shown. The photo’s I have seen, he has glasses (as a major). Hanz survived the war and lived a ripe 86 yrs before he passed away and wrote a book on his memoirs entitled:”I was there” a tale of a small Luftwaffe Major; published by Penguin books circa 1972. I think Hanz received the Iron Cross to, but I’m not exact. I know his cousin Willie Shikelluben died in WW1 and was awarded the Blue Max, at the time. This is all I know.

Herman, this is what I call amazing investigating ability, I have to say that you have presented more information then I think ever before which is why I applaud you (Though I still will make pictures about you, even if they are not so pretty, Oh well.)

Herman, you are freaking awesome. Thank you so much! ^^ Now I’m curious as to who the person in between Hanz and Heinz is…