Native North American in Home Army

One of the less facts in polish Home Army history is that one of its members was the “SAT-OKH” (“Long Feather”), native north american (Shawnee tribe).
He was born in Canada in 1920. His mother, Stanislawa Suplatowicz (polish- escaped from russian Siberia) married a native american “High Eagle”. As a teenager SAT-OKH received a traditional training (hunting, trailing etc.). In 1937 he arrived to Poland. After the German aggression he was arrested and sent to KL Auschwitz. Fortunately he managed to escape from the train and joined the Home Army. He fought Germans in Kielecczyzna area. Later as the member of 1st Marine Battalion he fought in Pomerania area.
After the end of war he was arrested by communists and sentenced to prison (no wonder - he had already been a Home Army’s legendary hero).
Later he became a sailor and writer. Died in 2003.