Nazi A-holes get pawned by the Jews!

Springfield Nazis get punked by the Jewish Community Relations Bureau
By Nadia Pflaum in News, Random Life

Wednesday, Jun. 3 2009 @ 1:22PM

The Springfield, Missouri, chapter of the National Socialist Movement, a neo-Nazi organization, thought it would be cute to adopt a section of highway along West Bypass between Sunshine and Farm Road 142. MoDOT allowed them to put up a sign along the road bearing the group’s name, and members and posed with it, Seig Heil-ing and whatnot (pictured). Afterward, they went home, put on their swastika-print jammies and drifted off to thumb-sucking sleep, secure in their white pride.

Then, along came the Jews to ruin everything.

The Jewish Community Relations Bureau, based here in KC, approached Kansas City Rep. Jason Holsman for ideas to counter the hate-group’s highway sign. Holsman, in turn, suggested that Springfield Rep. Sara Lampe introduce a bill renaming the half mile of the West Bypass after a much-loved, modern Jewish theologian. Lampe sponsored the bill, and with another Springfield legislator, Rep. Bob Dixon, attached it as an amendment on a larger transportation bill that passed both Missouri houses. Now it awaits Gov. Jay Nixon’s signature.

Soon, the Springfield Unit of the National Socialist Movement will be responsible for cleaning Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel Memorial Highway. :lol:

Rabbi Heschel was born in Warsaw, Poland, and much of his family was killed in World War II bombings and in concentration camps. He escaped to New York City in 1940. He read the words of the Hebrew prophets in the Bible as commands for social justice, so he marched alongside Martin Luther King for civil rights and protested the Vietnam War. “Above all, the prophets remind us of the moral state of a people: Few are guilty, but all are responsible,” is a quote attributed to Rabbi Heschel, who died in 1972.

High-fives to the Springfield News-Leader for running a story on this delicious irony Sunday.

Kansas City - Plog - Springfield Nazis get punked by the Jewish Community Relations Bureau

I heard about a story like this one, though I can’t remember the details. Good for the Jews, way to kick it to the system.

I love it! :lol: Stupid white supremacist.
So much better than dragging in lawyers and starting a long legal matter to have the neo-nazi’s sign removed like most places would have done.

got to love democracy =)

Toronto SUn Newspaper:
ZURICH, Switzerland — Swiss prosecutors have charged a Brazilian woman with faking an attack by skinheads that she said made her miscarry twins, officials said Friday.

Prosecutors, however, are seeking only a fine and not prison time if Paula Oliveira is convicted of deception of justice. They did not say how high the fine could be.

Police said Oliveira claimed she was attacked outside a Zurich train station by three skinheads, one with a Nazi symbol tattooed on the back of his head, and that the purported assailants cut the initials of Switzerland’s main right-wing party into her stomach and legs, causing her to miscarry twins.

Pictures of her scarred body appeared in newspapers and Brazil’s President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva condemned the “remarkable violence against a Brazilian woman abroad.”

But after a series of tests, Swiss police said Oliveira was not three months pregnant as she claimed, and Zurich University forensic medicine chief Walter Baer called it a “textbook case” of self-mutilation. Her passport and legal papers were ordered blocked so an investigators could examine whether she misled law-enforcement authorities.

Prosecutors filed the charges on Wednesday, according to a statement. The case is likely to be brought to court, as Oliveira is contesting the charges.