nazi campaign

the reason why you dont play as the nazies or german in campaign is because they lost the war for christ sack ha wats gonna happen at the end who get shoot in the head and that is it wake up to urselfs u idotes

Please if your going to have an argument with yourself please spell correctly. I can’t fully understand you mate.

hay have u read other threads so umm im not talking to my self and got anything else better to do then correct peoples spelling

Undeleted by Dani

And i dnt will care if u cnt inderstand me mr i saw chewie running through the bush yea everyone understands you

Undeleted by Dani

Well, You have made a new thread and you seem to be insulting nobody. So i presume you are yelling at yourself. :wink:

buddy to start a new covensation you have to talk dont you that is wat i doing now and man come up with some better calls there lame as man u have just like written the same thing but in different form

Undeleted by Dani

But you seem to be calling somebody idiots. Who exactley are you calling idiots.

and stop wasting ur time u dnt have anything better to in ur life then try to shut people down but it isnt doin anything so go away u not even talking about the subject so go find something that ticles ur fansy like gay men

Undeleted by Dani

the people in the other threads

Undeleted by Dani

Why are the people in other threads idiots. What have they done to you newbie! Maybe you should go back to Yr.2 and learn how to spell and punctuate.

It seems as if you are making all the “insults”. Try and look at the big picture and realise what you are doing!

ohh the red head is pulling out the big guns ohhhhh there idots cause there goin on about playing as the german and it my oppinion wiether or not to call them idots

Undeleted by Dani

as if im coming up with the insults look i n the mirror thats right to fat to look at urself

Undeleted by Dani

got nothing against you but wat must go up must come down

Undeleted by Dani

Ok. You don’t seem to be getting the point. Be nice. I do not care if you hate the Germans or anything else! But people might like to do things differently and freely without people insulting them.
Kind regards,

aplogize to everyone who got insulted in the course of the convensation thing slipped out when they should of stayed in

Undeleted by Dani

Word of Advice: Think before acting. It helps.

i no, man but come on im not saying i hate the germans but wat am ssaying is top complaining about not being any story modes about the german it is an impossible mission sure its great to dream but stop complaining about it and there are games with a view levels with germans so keep ur eyes pealed

Undeleted by Dani

and same with you to buddy. you did as much damage as i caused as well

Undeleted by Dani

Well It doesn’t help when I’m half german. As long as you watch what you say, all will be right!