Nazi Germany In Colour - German Leadership | Gallery

Nazi Germany In Colour

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

Is this a maypole? Would be fitting that the Nazis kept this tradition going, given that the maypoles are afaik likely a pre-Christian Germanic tradition.

The Maypole dance goes a ways back into Germanic/Teutonic Paganism,which took it from Nordic Paganism. The Dance was usually performed as a Fertility Ritual in the Spring Beltane celebration of the rebirth of all Nature after Winter. Different cultures have different ways, as is always the case, so timing, and other subtleties may vary. It is a celebration worth keeping. (with the possible exception of the National socialist version )

I have seen these in a slightly smaller scale as May poles when I was stationed in Germany.

I have been trying to decide if the building at the rear is burnt or just dirty - it looks pretty much like a building in what was East Berlin that I walked around when I was back over on holiday two years ago.

A few more images from 1930’s Berlin