Nazi kamikaze?

i heard from my friends said that he read from a book a long time ago that states nazi has use kamikaze unit against the US bombers when the war is nearly the end at year 1945.

I just wonder is that true?

I saw somehting on the military channel about it. They used fast planes to try and bring down bomber. They had a huge flaw though, they didn’t expect teh bombers to shoot back. If one did get close enough to a bomber though, the suicide planes were accompanied by fighters, they would ram into the side tearing through the exterior of the plane.

Another semi-kamikaze unit was the Rammkommando Elbe, created under the directions of Hajo Hermann, those actually attacked by raming the bombers in 1945 , even some pilots survived to tell the history, most of they did not.

This book is about it -

This B-17G was rammed by an Elbe s BF-109 but managed to return home with 2 gunners killed :shock:

Panzer, was it not a Fw-190 with armoured wings that rammed that B-17. As far as I know they used the Fw-190 to do those attacks on the bombers after they were hit or out of ammunition.

Correct me if I am wrong.


The Fw-190 with armored wings did not exist.

There was an FW-190A-8 version with increased armor for withstand the close range.50 caliber fire but it protect the pilot.

The A-8/R-8 carry a steel plate inside the wing for protecting the 30mm ammo, not for ramming.

There was some Sturmbocks wich were used to ram like Willy Maximowitz plane , but the plane was always damaged or directly destroyed, Maximowitz managed to bring down two B-17 by raming, but in one ocation he return with his aircraft barely serviceable and in other he had to bail out.

Pics about the armour plate in here.

Oh, ok. That is what I read. The pilots of the Fw-190 rammed the B-17 and the book said they used the extra armour that were fitted for the guns to survive the impact. Some even knew how to do it so that their aircraft does not get so badly damaged.

Wich one rammed the best, the Fw-190 or the Bf-109?


FW-190, the wings structure was by far more strong.

This was rammed or colided with Fw-190…did not survive.

Yes, in that same book they said the one pilot was shot and then he collided with the B-17 and then died on impact and thus took the B-17 with him.

Dam, did the pilots survive? They were realy mad.


In the case of the up pic…nobody survive , neither the german pilot or the allied crew.

Dam, I have athis little film on one of my PS! games that they show how a B-17’s nose brakes off wile it explodes.

Nasty stuff.


A very unlike suicide pilot was Heinrich Ehrler, he killhimself ramming a B-17 with his Me-262.

And I say unlike because he was not a novice but an experte with 200 victories. Aniway the thing was that he failed to protect the Tirpitz battleship and the was jugded and condemned to 3year forced labor “after the war”.

With the Me 262 Ehrler got 8 victories.
On 04. or 06.April 1945 (differ source data) Ehrler started for his last flight. He shoot down two B-17 bomber and after he had no more ammunition he rammed in “Kamikaze” style
a 3rd B-17.
His last words aimed to his friend Theo Weißenberger were
" We see us in Walhalla ! "

more data in here:

–" We see us in Walhalla "–

WHat does this mean?

And thats too bad he’d be forced to do 3 years labour once the war was over… sounded like he did his duty and did it well.

What was the tactic with hitting aircraft? It would seem logical to use your wing to slice the bombers tail off from the side. That would give you the strong leading edge of your wing against the relatively weak tail plane. Also you may loose your wing but you’ll survive the impact and could bail?

The unit was KG.100. It was a large and diverse aircraft wing that had numourous sub groups. I have a topic on it somewhere in the forum.

The ramming of planes was simpley that, a ram. The americans trialled a fighter, after the war, with strengthened wings for such attacks but not the Germans.

The tactic was not favoured by Hitler, although he didn’t mind people doing it. If that makes sense.

Walhalla is the viking heaven - The Nordic religion of Paganism. They believed in Thor and Odin.

What was the tactic with hitting aircraft? It would seem logical to use your wing to slice the bombers tail off from the side. That would give you the strong leading edge of your wing against the relatively weak tail plane. Also you may loose your wing but you’ll survive the impact and could bail?

The was no an elaborated tactic, teorically a Fw-190 could hit the elevators and stabilizer of a B-24/17 cutting trough it and still remain in the air long enough to allow the pilot bail out…but not always was the case.
The ramming was only very sporadical, not a rule.

An special rocket propelled Ramer aircraft with a thick steel ( real thing this time) wing beam was designed in 1944.

Check here:

Panzer Ace wrote:
–" We see us in Walhalla "–

WHat does this mean?

Walhalla is the viking heaven - The Nordic religion of Paganism. They believed in Thor and Odin.

Yes, the vikings believe that all warriors killed in combat going to this kind of heaven.

( edited to fix my crappy spelling :roll: )

Walhalla is the viking heaven - The Nordic religion of Paganism. They believed in Thor and Odin.[/quote]

All germanic tribes believed it. All fallen warrior come into the Walhalla - the hall of dead warriors.