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Nazi Party

Multiple Nazi flags, unknown to me is what those markings are underneath the swastika. any knowledge on these markings would be appreciated.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at

For what it is worth - the marking on the draped banners is the ancient Norse “Opfer” (offering)rune (repeated three times). This was taken to represent self-sacrifice. It was used by the WWI veterans’ association, the “Stalhelm”, which eventually found itself incorporated into the SA. The Nazis themselves used it as a symbol commemorating the “sacrifice” of those who took part in the Nazi-led "Beer Hall Putsch 9 November, 1923 and, in particular, the sixteen Nazis and Nazi sympathisers (“dead heroes”, as Hitler called them in his dedication to the first volume of “Mein Kampf”) who died in the failed Putsch. I have not seen this 'photo before but, from others I have seen, this looks very like the sort of commemorative ceremony that was held to honour these “dead heroes”. As I say - for what it is worth. Best regards and thanks for posting the 'photo, JR.

That symbol is also known as a “wolfsangel” or wolf’s hook. Sometimes also referred to as a “doppelhaken”. It’s a germanic heraldic symbol that appears in many cities’ coat of arms. I believe the Nazis also referred to the symbol as the “werewolf” when displayed horizontally, but sometimes called it a “Thunderbolt” when displayed vertically.