Nazi Secret Base? Neu Schwabenland!

The Redemptionists believe that Adolf Hitler escaped from Berlin in April 1945, traveled to southern Argentina in a U-boat, and from there traveled to Neuschwabenland in a Nazi flying saucer. Hitler supposedly lived in Antarctica until 1952, when he reportedly traveled to the moon and met with aliens from space. These aliens took him to Aldebaran, 68 light-years from Earth. According to the legend, some day Hitler will return with an Aldebarani space armada.

Today, this map cannot be exhibited in Germany, on penalty of imprisonment.
The subject was already raised in the parliament of the Federal Republic.





Yea but what about skippie the goldfish i thought he went with adolf as well

But I thought Captain America and his division of GI Joes invaded and destroyed Neu Schwabenland.:smiley: (That is a pretty sweet set up you did)

Funnily enough there are around 70 Adolf Hitler or Hitler in the electoral register of Venezuela.
Go figure.:rolleyes:

why do you have so much threads

Really? Germany’s population is three times as big as Venezuelas’ and you won’t find a single Hitler here, let alone an Adolf. And this means Austria too, i guess. You rather find some Schicklgrubers.
BTW, last weekend I ran into a guy who’s actually called “Willi Himmler”, not a pleasure either. But at least he was a mailman and no poultry breeder. :smiley:

Lol I got the info in a rather amusing AHF thread.

Does that mean then that Hitler was an Alien, though like his girlfriend Eva Braun does not look half as sexy as that one in the skin tight trousers from V who snacked on mice, so I am not too sure this is truth, confused?

Best and Warm Regards
Adrian Wainer

I dont believe in this garbage.

True, the Allies found his body in his hideout bunker so he is surely dead. BTW your sig Comrade, is AWESOME.


Has there been any recent visit to this place?, If so im sure there would be some traces.

It is all fantasy gobble deguk there is nothing to look for and nothing to find in Antartica. But then again…

Best and Warm Regards
Adrian Wainer

yes! finaly an Iron Sky Trailer!! Funny BMW sidecar… must be electric…:smiley:

Hi there was a discussion about that in the Iron Sky forum, as best I remember they settled on a BMW boxer engine using a closed cycle internal combustion process, I think they were suggesting hydrogen peroxide, [ personally I think electricity is a better option, in that the Brits used hydrogen peroxide as a fuel in an experimental U boat programe just after WW2 and it was a disaster and they also had an air dropped stand off nuclear bomb, which was powered to the target by hydrogen peroxide which did work and was adopted in to service use but which was apparently a pig for the maintenance / bomb-prep folks to work with ], sorry I haven’t got the exact thread to hand, but it is there, somewhere.

Best and Warm Regards
Adrian Wainer

That movie is still in like preproduction


OK Comraden, we get the picture. Please stop posting it in every thread, it’s annoying and it start to look like F***ING SPAM !

Sorry its just a little ting I like to do wit all of my posts.

It´s interesting that some people want to believe that 20000 nazi´s went to the South Pole by submarine during WWII, to develop a high-tech society under 3000metres of ice. (One day, we might have to fight the nazi´s again…!)

What is it with these people??

Grab a calculator: 20000people and gear+ half their civilization-to-be / carrying capacity of German WWII submarine = round trips Germany-Antarctica to be carried out by submarines during the war (and without figuring in any (of the pretty complete) archives of German German sub. dispostions)…

(But it´s still kind´a funny, if you can forget that somebody takes it seriously)