Nazi SLBMs!!!

Im thinking about making a model of the Prufstand VII V-2 launcher. Any info?

Look in the V2 thread. Possibly archived.

I have a few posts in their showing hte launcher and towing U-boot.

Can I get the adress?

I wrote something about it sveral months ago: quote to self.

Lafferenz Projekt, ICBM for the Kriegsmarine.

One remarkable technological experiment :!:

Director Otto Lafferenz of the German Arbeitsfront, work front had proven by practical attempts that a submarine up to three could drag largest dipable flotation chambers. With U 1063 underwaterdrag tested and showed only minimum problems. From the question resulted whether it was possible to carry in these flotation chambers A 4-Raketen.

The thought was to start these rockets from the dipping containers. Thus 1943 a further project developed. The transportation and firing container should have a length of 37 m and a diameter of 5,5 m. With the size one spoke of the enormous water displacement of 500 tons. After reaching the goal the tail would have been flooded and the flotation chambers would have perpendicularly placed and approx. 5 meters risen up out of the water.

The Type XXI u-boote and the container for the V-2.

On a gyro-stabilized platform A 4 would have been refuelled and examined. The current supply should take place via the submarine. Briefly before the start the operator crew would have left the container. The starting signal would have been given from the submarine. On the start distance within the flotation chamber one intended to lead A 4 in rails and to return the gas jet across a Schurre around l80°, so that he could withdraw upward. For the travel over the Atlantic one computed about 30 days with 12 nautical miles speed to the planned goal (the USA). The container would be towed by a tp XX1 “elektro boat” submarine, and it ws expected to shot the missile about 200-220 km from the U.S coast, the main target New York.
the info is from

Nice diagrams! I was wondering how they put the missiles in.

Another view of the A-4 missile container.

I was wondering what the control room looked like. Thanks!

No problem , here you got other interesting proyect, the sub launched rocket, one can say withour fear of being wrong, that the submarine launched proyectiles are without question a german invention. Obviously that will be more often recognized as a the “doomsday” weapon of the cold war nuclear submarines .

Sub aquatic rocket launchers, The Do 38 Gerät:

The idea to fire rockets under water came from the Peenemuender Dr. Ing. Ernst Steinhoff. No miracle, because its brother was the commander of submarine captain second lieutenant stone-hopes. In order to be able to accomplish at all first attempts, one used existing solid fuel rockets.

Under responsibility of Walter Dornberger (= name giver) were in the 30’s for sucked. Nebula troop, a military unit at first responsibly for atomising, different rocket launchers developed. So e.g. also the DO equipment 38, which was intended for paratroopers. Starting from 1941 one manufactured and others “weight the launcher 41”, a rack for four steel luggage crates, manufactured from steel. In each case six steel luggage crates were fastened provisionally in a thrower rack on deck of the submarine U 511, which belonged to the IX C-class.

At the 4 Juni 1942 the first firing attempts of this submarine in the dipped condition in the proximity Greifswalder Oie took place. It gave fewer problems than expected. The submerged depth amounted to 10-15 m. Even if the reached distance amounted to only 4 km, then the procedure in several salvos had proven as practicable. As a result of the initial “guidance” that projectile in the water arose a smaller dispersion. Thus the thought was obvious, on goals, in particular to outer fuel stored at the coast, of shooting from approximately three kilometers distance. Since the office for naval weapon with that was not content provisional structure of the thrower racks, Another was that the submarines rarely dare to approach so near the allied coasts.

whoaa,. Panzerknacker you sure got plenty of things with you,…


Its scary to think what the Germans would have been capable of if the war lasted one more year

Its even more scary to think what Pzk could do with lots of money.
I mean, all that info…
But I think he is sane enough.LOL:)

Time wasn’t the only issue. Bear in mind they were being bombed to buggery and short on cash.

Also ALOT of their brains had fled. Einstein for example. Not a good move to start persecuting some of your most intelligent people just because of their religion!!!

I can’t find the picture at the moment, but some of the larger subs were ear marked to tow more than one launcher, up to three I think. I wouldn’t like to be the crew though. They had to sit in the launcher until launch. As there were no remote controls for the launcher.

Three were made, of which one was operational prior to the end of the war. It was never tested by the Germans. The Russians proved the concept was sound, after they seized the prototypes at the end of hte war.

Later it became a better idea to build submarines with the launchers built in to the hull rather than towed. Although the towed launcher allowed ANY craft to become a V2 launcher.

One possible way of operating (this is my own idea not based on evidence) would be for wolf packs to tow V2s across the Atlantic, launch and then act as conventional wolf packs on the way back in to Germany. Two for the price of one sort of.

Its even more scary to think what Pzk could do with lots of money.

My own private army i supose.

A close up to the Do 38 launcher.

Not only that, they simply hadn’t grasped the concept of mass production - instead they tended to built huge numbers of prototypes, particularly towards the end of the war. Finally, a lot of their designs were frankly rubbish and don’t deserve their reputations.

There was also a design wich the U-boote used a hermetic container with one or two V-1 cruise missiles in it, I cant found a squematic or photo however.

The procedure would be to emerge, open the container, shoot the V1 and scape by diving, the main target as usual of this projekts…Amerika. :rolleyes:

Isnt america always a target for people, My country was targeted by british, germans, japanese, mexican, iraqies, any taliban group, really any country had a a feeling to kill the US

maybe ecxept for Canada after the 1812 thing

Boo-freaking-hoo. Get over it. In the same time frame my lot have been at war with the US, France (twice), Germany (three times), Austria, Denmark, Finland, Russia, Japan, China, Argentina, Turkey, Italy, Iraq, Yemen, Israel (pre-1948 so not quite), Ireland, Spain, Afghanistan (twice), India, Nepal, China, half of Africa and the Netherlands. And that’s only the ones I can think of off the top of my head.

The US has got off very lucky in casualty terms, particularly per capita, because there have been other countries out there to do the heavy lifting for them. In WW1 that was the UK and France did the job of destroying the main power of the enemy’s army, and in WW2 it was the Soviet Union. And you have never had to pay the blood price of defending an empire against a peer competitor.

I dont really care, am not crying over it, I know more countries are targeted than the US, am just stating the US has been targeted a few times, thats all.

Uh huh. Which is what everyone is automatically going to understand from “Isnt america always a target for people”, right?