Nazi UFO's... No I'm not a crackpot...

OK look, something that has puzzled and intrigued me for many years about WWII and Nazi Germany, both topics I find highly fascinating, is this whole concept and idea about secret German disc-shaped craft, powered by scramjets, magnetic-levitation,etc… or other strange/exotic propulsion systems, that were developed and tested during the closing days of the war. Or as its called “Nazi UFO’s” which is a pretty stupid term, only used because their disc shaped craft that supposedly resembled “alien saucers”, anyway enough rubbish heres some sites I found quite informative.

Btw, some are a bit outlandish/crackpot/lunatic/conspiracy nut but they do contain some good pictures and info to give you an idea of what I’m talking about.

Btw, an earlier thread about a similiar topic can be found here…

Anyway you may be wondering what is this newbie’s point.

I’m just saying that the Germany military was quite ahead of it’s time in some respects. Germans had the first Jet-powered Aircraft, their scientists and engineers developed the first assault rifle, and even though by 1944 their industry was in tatters and their fate was sealed, the Nazi’s still placed much hope in their famed “wonder weapons”, secret projects such as the V1 and V2 arguably the first guided ballistic “cruise” missiles and also the more advanced A9 and A10 which if they ever left the drawing board would become the world’s first ICBM’s.

Of all the secret things Nazi Germany was clandestinely working on right up until the end of the war, Sound Cannons, Panzer “X”, E-Series Tanks, Wasserfall missile, Horten Flying Wing, Infra-red weaponary and all their revoluntionary ideas, the concept of the alleged flying discs is one that gets me everytime.

Is it that hard to imagine or suggest that Nazi Scientists could have developed and tested such craft during the closing days of the war?

I believe there is a good chance they really did develop such craft, the idea of the disc-shaped aircraft even in the 1940’s wasn’t technically outlandish, it had been suggested earlier and I’m sure the benefits and advantages of such craft were clear to German scientists.
I don’t think it is really that far out to suggest that Germans could have had such craft in WW2, considering what we have learned about their technology and secrets and so on, I think Nazi Germany was far ahead of its time and definately could have produced such craft.

Also I strongly believe the Americans have inherited much of Nazi Germany’s secret technologies after the war, it’s really no secret anyway thanks to Operation PaperClip and so on, the Americans pretty much took any and all of German’s secret military technology with them, and it is likely they also could have or still are working on developing such craft as well.

Anyway if anyone wants to share, thoughts, ideas or any other information please go ahead.

ALSO: I’m am well aware any discussion about Nazi Germany’s Secret Weapons/ Nazi Fly Discs, etc. always borders on and relates to other strange and freaking stupendous theories about Nazi Moon and Antartic Bases/Aliens/Grays/Death Rays/ and god knows what other stupid conspiracy crap.

PLEASE, this is just for the discussion of the possibility of Nazi Germany developing disc-shaped aircraft, and if it were feasable or whatever, don’t mention any other conspiracys or anything.

It is fact the Nazis tested “Flying Disks”, as to whether the tech used was terrestrial or not is another question entirely.

You may find this thread I started a while back interesting, we had quite a discussion,

It is not a fact that any disk shaped craft was tested. The craft that people claim was tested and took off vertically did not have enough engine power to lift its own weight, and the supposed mode of operation would have resulted in the fan disk blowing air upwards, not downwards… if you don’t believe me, by a child’s toy fan and blow through one side of it. Hold your hand on the downwind side of the fan, but next to the side through which you are not blowing. You will find that the fan moves air in the same direction that you a blowing. In addition, stand in a bucket and attempt to levitate by pulling on the handle.

Far too many people really want to believe this crap.

They were testing craft, whether or not they worked is something else. It is fact that disk aircraft were tested as the allies found documents that show ed they were. These documents were also the reason the allies built and tested their own disk vehicles soon after the war.

I have rather more faith in German engineers than to believe that they built and tested craft which would have to break the laws of physics to work.

Plus, the late 1950s are not “soon after the war”…

Andreas Epp was the father of the Nazi UFO. After the war, the russians captured the UFO’s plans at Prague. Then, no less than 29.000 UFO made their appearrance over the North American continent, especially over the secret military bases. The american people were beginning to fell very worried; they thought that the strange flying machines were russian secret planes. So, the american government decided to announce that the strange objects were from another planet, and named them “UFO”.

I know all of these from a documentary.

I know all of these from a documentary

uhhhh…on what? the sci-fi channel?

Yes, please any “documentary” of flying UFO using the not-physics principles…

Here is a longish film about Nazi UFOs,

Having seen how badly Heisenberg and the rest of those involved with the Nazi nuclear programme screwed up their calculations (e.g. not noticing that graphite samples they were testing as a potential moderator were heavily contaminated with Boron, being out by orders of magnitude on critical mass, etc.) I don’t have that faith. I do however have faith in the laws of physics stopping those craft from actually flying.

Is simply impossible that Germany have one of these because the technology of that time, off course they made a lot of drawings and squemes, but just that.

I do not think the Germans build any of such type of flying disc aircraft, but they certanly did design then and thought of the idea. They did build flying wing designs. The flying disc idea did not prove very usefull after the war.

I go along with what Panzerknacker say’s; just that.

they did build many (at least on paper) virt take off and landing airplanes. some of which were roundish in shape

Concerning that part I would really love to know if some non nazi scientists related with the programme intentionally screwed up. It is imho very ironic that the one research path that could’ve actually won the war was deemed ungerman by the nazis despite the fact, that germany excelled every other nation by a large margin when it came to physics.

Agree with above :slight_smile:

As german runways were easy to spot, they were constantly destoyed by allied airforces - this lead to the situation that flying disk (rising vertically) would have been a great asset to Luftwaffe.

But germans lacked resources, and time, to really do anything about the matter.

All the postwar attempts by US/Canada/etc to build flying disk (like Avrocar: have been failures. I cannot see Nazi Germany doing that in the end-war chaos and lack-of-everything.


well i read that the german build and tested a plane with a cockpit in the center and sort of a propeller like thing around it.

sorry i’ll try to find the source and further info to

Sack AS-6 V1----------------

well that looks like a flying disk to me, although i figures its not what the nazi-ufo-porn boys mean!

there are also pictures of it “for real” no CGI mock ups here!

it certianly was no “wonder weapon”

Vought V-172 “Flying Pancake”
lets not also forget the Americans had a more sucessful “flying disk” in 1942

The Sacks AS-6 must be te poors man UFO hehe :wink:

This is what a circle looks like from the side.
This is the Sack AS6 V1, a bizarre looking little fighter from the mind of a farmer and scale modeler during World War Two. It is finished in RLM71 Dark Green over RLM65 Light Blue