Nazi's who went to Egypt after WW2

I found this info interesting. It makes sense that Nazi’s who hated Jews would go to a country like Egypt, to continue propagating their hatred since Egypt never liked the jews in the first place. (I wonder why everyone says that they went to ARGENTINA?..anyways …interesting facts as follows:

Nazis during WWII Under Hitler After the war…

Altern Erich Post-war name: Ali Bella Regional Chief SD (Himmler’s Security Services), Jewish Affairs in Galicia In Egypt during the 50’s, then instructor in Palestinian camps
Appler Hans Post-war name: Sakah Chaffar Information services with Goebbels Egypt 1956: Minister of Information
Bartel Franz Post-war name: El Hussein Assistant Chief of the Kattowitz Gestapo (Poland) Since 1959, Jewish Affairs of the Ministry of Information in Cairo.
Baurnann, SS Standartenuhrer Participated in liquidation of Jewish Warsaw ghetto Minister of War in Cairo. Instructor for the FLP (Liberation Front of Palestine)
Bayerlein, Col. Fritz Rommel’s camp aid Egypt
Becher Hans Gestapo Jewish affairs, Vienna Alexandria, Egypt. Police instructor
Beissner, Dr Wilhelm Section Chief VI C 13RSHA Egypt
Bender Bernhardt Post-war name: Bechir Ben Salah Gestapo, Warsaw Consultant for Political Police in Cairo
Birgel Werner Post-war name: El Gamin SS Officer Cairo, Egypt. Worked in Ministry of Information
Boeckler Wilhelm SS Untersturmfuhrer Wanted in Poland for the liquidation of the Jewish Warsaw ghetto Egypt since 1949. Worked in Israel Department of Information Bureau in Egypt.
Boerner, Wilhelm Post-war name: Ali Ben Keshir. SS Untersturmfuhrer Guard at Mauthausen concentration camp Worked at Egyptian Interior Ministry. Also instructor of the FLP (Liberation Front of Palestine)
Brunner Alois Post-war name: Georg Fisher and Ali Mohammed In charge of deportation of Jews in Austria, Tchecoslovakia, Greece. Chief of Drancy concentration camp in France. Damascus, Syria. Consultant for Special Services. Protected against extradition by Syrian government.
Buble Friedrich Post-war name: Ben Amman, SS Obergruppenfuhrer Gestapo Director of Egyptian Public Relations Department -1952. Consultant for Egyptian police force.
Bunsch Franz, SA. OBersturmfuhrer Collaborator with Goebbels Israel Department in the Information Ministry in Cairo, Egypt.
Daemling Joachim Post-war name: Jochen Dressel or Ibrahim Mustapha Dusseldorf Chief of Gestapo Consultant for Egyptian penitentiary system. Active member of Radio-Cairo (Radio-Le Caire)
Dirlewanger Oskar, Oberfuhrer Chief of 36th Waffen SS division (USSR-Poland) Some say in Cairo since 1950. Others claim that he died June 7 1945 in Germany under house-arrest.
Eisele Dr Hans Chief doctor of Buchenwald concentration camp. Died in Cairo in 1965.
Farmbacher Wilhelm, SS Lieutenant-General Wehrmacht Eastern Front, Supervisor of Vlassov Army in France in 1944 Military consultant for Egyptian President Nasser.
Gleim Leopold Post-war name: Lt-Col Al Nashar Unit Chief in Warsaw High ranking officer in Egyptian national security departement, in charge of political prisonners.
Gruber Post-war name:Aradji Canaris recruit in 1924. Egyptian resident 1950: Influencial agent within the Arab League
Heiden Ludwig Post-war name: El Hadj Journalist for anti-jewish agency Weltdienst (NSDAP) Converted to Islam. Translator of Mein Kampf into Arabic. Lived in Egypt in the 1950’s.
Heim, Heribert. SS Hauptsturmfuhrer Medical doctor at Mauthausen concentration camp Became medical doctor for Egyptian police.
Hitholfer Franz High ranking officer of Gestapo in Vienna Lived in Egypt in 1950’s
*** Von Leers, Dr Johannes*** Post-war name: Omar Amin Goebbels’ assistant, in charge of antisemitic propaganda. In Egypt, he was in charge of anti-israeli propaganda in Cairo since 1955.
Luder, Karl Chief of Hitler Youth movement. Held responsible for anti-semitic crimes in Poland. War Minister in Egypt.
Mildner, Rudolf. SS Standartenfuhrer Gestapo Chief in Kattowitz. Chief of police in Danemark. In Egypt since 1963. Member of Deutscher Rat organization.
Moser Alois, Gruppenfuhrer SS Wanted in USSR for crimes against Jews. Instructor of paramilitary youth groups in Cairo.
Munzel Oskar SS General Military consultant Cairo, during the 50’s.
Nimzel Gerd von. Post-war name: Ben Ali Egypt. 1950’s.
Oltramare, Georges Post-war name: Charles Dieudonne Director of Pilori in France during German occupation Responsible for TV show ‘La voix des Arabes’ (The voice of Arabs) in Cairo. Died 1960.
Peschnik Aehim Dieter Post-war name: El-Said Resides in Egypt
Rademacher Granz Post-war name: Thome Rossel 1940-43. Headed Anti-jewish section of Foreign Affairs Ministry. Journalist in Damascus.
Rauff, Walter Chief of SD (Himmler’s Security Services) in Tunisia. In Syria until 1961. Was arrested and released in Chili in 1962.
Seipel. SS Sturmbannfuhrer Post-war name: Emmd Zuher Gestapo in Paris. Converted to Islam. Security Services with Interior Ministry in Cairo.
Sellman, Heinrich Post-war name: Hassan Suleiman Chief of Gestapo in Ulm. Ministry of Information in Cairo. Egyptian Special Services.
Thiemann, Albert. Post-war name: Amman Kader SS officer in Tchecoslovakia Information Ministry in Cairo.q
Weinmann, Erich, SS Standartenfuhrer Chief of SD(Himmler’s Security Services) in Prague. Said to have died in 1949. In fact, he became consultant to Alexandria’s police force in Egypt. - Similar

They shared another enemy, the British. In 1941/42 German intelligence was in contact with a lot of Egypt officers like e.g. Anwar El Sadat and Gamal Abdel Nasser.

Bayerlein, Col. Fritz Rommel’s camp aid Egypt

I think it’s most misleading to mention Lieutenant General Bayerlein in a list along with Nazi criminals like Heim or Eisele. Bayerlein has been in US war captivity until late 1947 and even served as an advisor during the shooting of “The Guns of Navarone”.

Dirlewanger Oskar, Oberfuhrer Chief of 36th Waffen SS division (USSR-Poland) Some say in Cairo since 1950. Others claim that he died June 7 1945 in Germany under house-arrest.

It’s proven doubtlessly since 1960 that Dirlewanger was killed most probably between June 5-19, 1945 in Altsburg/Southern Germany. “atlasshrugs2000” really needs an update here.:shock:

I see on the list that you mentioned Dr.Aribert Heim.I heard that he also converted to Islam and until recently was number 1 on the Simon Weisanthal Centres list of Nazis at large.I believe the German police were investigating reports that he had died as his family in Germany,a son i believe,was trying to get his fathers estate issued;a sizeable pension had been paid to the good doctor all those years he was on the run.

At the moment I am reading a book by Uki Goni called The Real Odessa. All about the escaped Nazis. Nothing about Egypt,so far, but interesting.

What an interesting data. Thanks for the info…

You ask why people say they went to Argentina? Argentina was an even better haven for escaped Nazis than Egypt was. Just do a quick Internet search on one Miguel Serrano and you’ll see that Nazism took a considerable hold in Argentina. If I was a little bit crazier I would go so far as to say that the Falklands War may have had something to do with this… maybe not.

Many nazis escaped in Argentina because Argentina was a country sympathizer for the Axis before and during the war. President Peròn had been during the war a military attachè in Italy (he had a Sardinian origin too) and never hid his admiration for Mussolini.
Furthemore, the same happened in Spain, with the difference that generally Spain was just a leg of the journey towards Latin-America.
About Egypt, there was not a political reason, but a military one. As already other members of the forum said, Egyptians were looking for military advisers and on the market there was nothing better than many higly experienced German officers unemployed… and furthermore, the Egyptian officers and political leaders (that was the same), during war had seen with admiration the German army, had been in secret conctacts with the Axis armies waiting and hoping the liberation of Egypt from the British rule, and so it was “natural” that they enlisted former German officers, now refugees or “unemployed” like military advisers.
I remeber to you that the Israelians were doing the same thing: for example the birth of the new Israelian navy happened with the important help of many Italian veterans of the Xa MAS, all “enlisted” by the Israelian armed forces for their unique expertise in naval warfare.

That’s interesting, i didn’t know that Israel enlisted Italian navy veterans after the war. One of my great grandfathers was a top naval engineer in Italy in his day, but he was killed because he always refused to join the fascist party. On a different note, do you think that Argentina might have also been useful to Germany during the war, and perhaps afterwards, because of its close proximity to Antartica, and whatever it was that the Germans were doing down there?

Actually not only Germans and Italians, but the new Egyptian and Israelian armies enlisted everyone that can help, and it was full veterans unemployed coming form the former Commonwealth armies too, for example, and many english-speaking adventurers served in the opposite fields.

Mhhh, let me say that it’s strange and a bit improbable: the fascist regime wasn’t so bloodthirsty like the nazi or the communist ones. Who refused the party card was ruined economically, since he was prevented from working, but he would not be killed physically, generally. Perhaps as a result of the economic hardship…

They were finding a place where to escape. No more than this. Not only Argentina, but Latin America in general and north America too. For example, the Paraguay of Stroessner, dictator of German origin, was another great shelter for fleeing nazis. And it would be right to remember that not all the people fleeing were nazi criminals; many were people that had no future in the new regimes of their countries, or didn’t want to collaborate with them. For example Adolf Galland was not a criminal of war, but was a refugee/adviser that helped for the modernization of the Argentinian air force.

Because of his continuous refusals the fascists finally got tired and beat him up so bad that he died in the hospital shortly afterwards of liver damage. The official explanation was that he died of liver disease, even though he was perfectly healthy and it’s pretty hard to contract liver disease overnight. You’re probably right, maybe their intention wasn’t to kill him, especially since he was very valuable to the navy, but that doesn’t change that fact that they did. On the other hand, on the same side of the family I also had five great uncles, brothers, all of whom were pretty high ranking fascist officials, and among them it was pretty common practice to beat up people they disliked, using the excuse that they “weren’t fascist enough”. All 5 spent the last days of the war hidden in an attic, but I’m pretty sure they made it through.
Regardless of what they did to my great grandpa I actually bear no ill sentiment towards Mussolini and fascism. On the contrary, I think fascism is what Italy needs now more than ever.

In the end, the Argentines were forced by the US to declare war on Germany and Italy.

Generally, I disagree with everything Robert Fisk writes - up to and including his usage of the word “the” - but credit where credit is due for a piece on Hans Eisle. Do a Google for “Robert Fisk: Butcher of Buchenwald in an Egyptian paradise”; I can’t supply URLs yet.

As for Argentina, during the ‘dirty war’ when Galitieri’s goons were drugging and tossing opponents out of helicopters over the South Atlantic, a disproportionate number of those disappeared were Jewish.

Nazism didn’t die in '45. It just changed continents (and donned a new uniform in East Germany).

Wow interesting nice post PS it been a long time since I’ve been on here