[need help] What year would it help the Axis to win the war?

i am writing a book about a guy went back in time and change history for a Axis win. Anyone has any idea which time frame would be the best for the main character to go back in order to get the Axis for a decsive victory over the allies?

the year has to be around 1942-1945
i am thinking of 1944, where the Axis would stop the allies advance because future travellers would tell hitler where the allies would strike, and of course with more reliable king tiger, better jets, and factories with better technology to build tanks

Personally, I think it has to be prior to 1914 to work. 1942-45 is way too late.
Incidentally, this has already been done at least once. The book I’m thinking of is “The Foresight War” by Tony Williams.

I think hes talking about WWII SM. In my opinion it should be in 1941 with a swift decisive victory againest the soviets. Unless your writing about recovering from losing the war which began really in 1942 their downfall, i believe that they should not lose the battle of KURSK and use that armoured force to help defeat the soviets, its a long shot though. Or possibily defending and counter attacking the D-Day invasion Force.

The story would have to start some time in 1941. Your character would need to convince the Fleet Faction officers of the Japanese Navy not to declare war on the US. Without this catalyst, the Axis powers probably would roam on for at least another year before FDR could convince the isolationist Americans to formally enter the war.

Though even by then, I’m not sure if the Axis could actually win…

I would say prior to the Battle of Britian so your “time traveller” could warn Germany to the outcome of the battle and the shortcomings of the Luftwaffe or back even further to when the Condor Legion was in Spain

Time travel? Totally impossible.

its a fiction story. Is batman real?

Is batman real?
Sure is…saw 3 of him on Halloween night…just kidding,bored as all get out at work

I think it would make a good story to read

I remember reading a dean Koontz book (I think) called Lighting, where the premise was turned around and the Nazis had invented a Time machine. But one of their scientists saw the world we had today and the world that might have been and decided to make sure not only Germany lost the war.

Back on topic, I think it would have to be sometime before Hitler decided upon his murderous policies.

There is a Stephen Fry book in which a scientist prevents Adolf Hitler from being born although this mere fact does not change the conditions in Germany in the 1920s. So a different chap takes his place but is rather cleverer than old Adolf. Russia is destroyed, Europe is conquered, and the US ends up in a protracted Cold War against Europe. The situation in the late 1990s is immeasurably worse.

Fw 190 Pilot- You’d want to go back to the mid 1930s to manipulate Hitler into seeing the value of technology in the future- jets, rocketry, emphasis on nuclear capability, more automatic rifles etc. It would take time to develop full these things and other technology so if a war was planned for in that way he’d have an unsurmountable advantage.

It should be before 1944. Why, the German had allready had to much losses to turn the tide of the war and their production were not very healthy. I would say 1941 and make it so that Hitler does not attack Russia because it and North Africa kost to much loves and equipment. 1941 is the best time. I would love to read it if you are finnished, sounds good.

Keep it up.

I would have to say he would have to stop defeat at Stalingrad and free up the 6th to move on to Baku. With that the Germans may have had a chance at getting a peace treaty with Russia and being able to focus back on the western Allies and maybe even invading Britain before the USA got movilized?

That last part may be stretching it.

The officers need to bitch slap adolf and that lard bucket who ran the luftwaffe in to continuing the raids on the RAF and not get carried away with bombing London instead.

They need to tell the Japs to wind it in for a bit.

Once Britain has fallen (circa 1943) Then they take on Russia. I would also suggest that the Germans occupy Spain, Portugal and Iceland for good measure.


I suppose Hitler’s biggest mistake was Barbarossa!

After that, his obsession with taking Stalingrad, and the loss of the 6th Army, was surely the turning point, and the beginning of the end?

He would have doen better to stick with Op. Sealion and taken Britain out at an early stage.

See the Sealion thread in “British Military” for all sorts of reasons this wasn’t an option. It would however probably have shortened the war by a year or two…

Dear Furher,

I’m from the future, I know all about the war that your about to fight. Let me give you some advice:

  1. Don’t invade Russia. Poland is all the living space you are going to get. But keep a large standing army that you can’t afford on your Eastern border for decades until the Soviets invade, which they eventually will.

  2. Don’t declare war on the US. And to be extra-specially sure they don’t declare war on you stop that unrestricted submarine warfare that’s the only thing your navy is any good at.

  3. Build your navy up in tune with the Z plan. They’ll be ready in 1952 - no time at all! Luckily the British will have to put all their ship building into fighting your submarines…oh no wait, see note 2. Looks like Sea lion is off the menu again!

  4. Never mind, invade France! They’ll go down like a sack of shit! We will have to garrison it with at least five armies of course. But it will be worth it just to see the looks on their faces!

  5. Japan! Forgot about them. They’re tricky. Bound to get you in trouble with the yanks. Ignore them, don’t answer their calls.

  6. Norway - you can catch them napping if your quick! They have lots of iron ore, which we’ll need. we might loose our navy doing it though, which would be somewhat counter-productive really…we could just buy it off them?

  7. Africa, here’s a chance to beat the Brit! It does mean getting the Italians involved though which is a bad idea…What? Oh you didn’t need secret knowledge from the future to tell you that, you knew it already, well fine. Best avoid the Med entirely really.

  8. Greece and the Balkans, another easy win and in the sunshine too! No they don’t have natural resources…Yes they would be a pain to garrison…not quite what your looking for, I see.

9.Switzerland - only joking!

  1. Hmmmm…What have we got? - Austria, Czechoslovakia and Poland and don’t forget the Sudetenland (very important).

Its not really worth a world war is it? What about going back to house painting?

You called? :cool:

Sorry to arrive late with this one.

The Foresight War does indeed involve a present-day German historian being sent back to 1934. His problem is, there’s a British historian sent back at the same time…

Tony Williams: Military gun and ammunition website and discussion forum

Hi Tony.

Welcome mate and this has been the spur to make me get this book, I keep remembering and forgetting to buy the thing and every time I read a Thread like this I think, Oh Yeah I was gong to buy that.
