Need HELP!

I was the pilot of a P-40N in the 7th Squadron , 49th Fighter Group om Biak Island off the NW coast of New Guinea. After 150 combat missions I got my orders to return to the States.
My plane was, as far as I know, left on Biak Island, and SOMEBODY had to have taken a color photo of my plane, because there are decals in perfect color, including a exact reproduction of a shield that was put on my plane by the squadron artist copying it from a membership card I had in my billfold!
Thr plane serial number on the tail was2105405, the squadron number on the nose was 28 and my name for the plane was O’Riley’s Daughter.
Does ANYONE know if such a photo was taken, and if so by who and when?
Jack Fenimore

Wow 150 missions, thats more than most I think.

Sir, do you have any photo at all of you in the plane?

And how old are you dear SlicerJack?:wink:

Could you give us some more information? What version of the P-40N where you flying? What years were you flying? Etc… The more information you give the better we would be able to help you!

Edited to add:

Are you sure about that serial number because it doesnt make much sense from what im reading here!

Interesting page btw!

I will be 85 this November.
The full serial number is 42 105205. The number on our tails always left off the first numeral of the year.
As I said before, my plane was a P-40N.
I think it may have been destroyed on Biak by some personnel of the RAAF who were ordered to do so in 1945.
If I knew how to do so, I would include in these messages a couple of pictures of me and my plane.
Thanks for your interest.
Jack Fenimore

[b]Well I think I found it! :smiley:

[/b]I seriously hope your not pulling my leg because we get alot of people here that fake being WW2 vets. Anyhoo…

Well from the link I listed above

Curtiss P-40N-5-CU Warhawk

105205 to RAF as Kittyhawk IV FX534. SOC Mar 29, 1945

BTW SOC: Struck Off Charge

Hard to say what happened after it left the RAF. I guess by SOC they mean that is was most likely sold or given away. This seems to be in contrast to what was said here

Also Jack im assuming that you have seen this
# 28 '‘O’Rileys Daughter’'Lt- Jack A. Fenimore, Dobodura 1943

Bigger picture listed here!

From this link you should be able to find a contact to see where the plane is located.

Let me know what happens.

Dont suppose you knew a David Cornwell by chance?

Edited to add:
So im assuming you posted these pics?

Thanks for all of that.
Yes I posted those pics on the 7th Squadron website.
The thing that you found that said “105405 to RAF as Kittyhawk IV FX564. SOC Jun 30, 1944” could not be true because I was still flying #28 in June and Juky of 1944!
Also, the RAF was never anywhere near Biak Island!
The pic of the other O’Riley’s Daughter has Flying Tiger markings.
If you search for pics of O’Riley’s Daughter there were several other aircraft with that name.
The name came from an old British drinking song that the Aussies also knew. That’s where I picked it up.
About 2 months ago a friend sent me a website that had the following:

The following information was supplied to me by Douglas Scott of 79 Squadron RAAF:-

“With the war ended, and demobilisation for most looming, it was hardly surprising that a forest of ‘unserviceable’ assorted single seaters accumulated around the strip at Mokmer airfield on Biak. My final task before moving south was to destroy the lot. This was done with surprising difficulty with a mixture of avgas and oil. As I recall among the aircraft destroyed there in about January 1946 were Mustangs, Spit 8’s, Kittyhawks. About a score in total.”

I found out that Douglas Scott is decease, and the Aussie that posted that has been no further help.
Once more, THANKS!
Jack Fenimore


Thanks for all of that.
Yes I posted those pics on the 7th Squadron website.
The thing that you found that said “105405 to RAF as Kittyhawk IV FX564. SOC Jun 30, 1944” could not be true because I was still flying #28 in June and Juky of 1944!
Also, the RAF was never anywhere near Biak Island!
The pic of the other O’Riley’s Daughter has Flying Tiger markings.
If you search for pics of O’Riley’s Daughter there were several other aircraft with that name.
The name came from an old British drinking song that the Aussies also knew. That’s where I picked it up.
About 2 months ago a friend sent me a website that had the following:

The following information was supplied to me by Douglas Scott of 79 Squadron RAAF:-

“With the war ended, and demobilisation for most looming, it was hardly surprising that a forest of ‘unserviceable’ assorted single seaters accumulated around the strip at Mokmer airfield on Biak. My final task before moving south was to destroy the lot. This was done with surprising difficulty with a mixture of avgas and oil. As I recall among the aircraft destroyed there in about January 1946 were Mustangs, Spit 8’s, Kittyhawks. About a score in total.”

I found out that Douglas Scott is decease, and the Aussie that posted that has been no further help.
Once more, THANKS!
Jack Fenimore

I said 105205 which is the second number you gave me. So therefore it could be your plane. The RAAF could have turned the plane over to the RAF and then they got rid of it. However in your 1st post and on the yahoo link you said 105405. Which wouldnt be your plane. So could you reconfirm the serial number for me?

I guess we will have to keep hunting for the plane if your sure the above pic is not yours! :wink:

The correct serial number is 42105405
Our tail number always leaft off the first numeral of the year (1942).
So the tail number was 2105405

Hello Jack ,
I have a few questions for you "Not trying to be rude but can you tell me what was your Army serial number and place of enlistment with day month and year ?"You seem to be pretty sharp for being 85 and God bless you if this is you .As was said we have no problem looking up things if this is really you .I also have a home phone number for you starting in 812-853-xxxx Please Im me with the last 4 numbers of the phone number and I will let everyone know that this is the real Jack A Fenimore because heck I would love to speak with you .

If you go to any phone lookup and look for Jack Fenimore in Newburgh Indiana , you will get the full phone number.[/SIZE]

Moving back to the states soon and just a stones throw from Newburgh, IN. :smiley:

That couln’t be to Fort Cambell, by any chance?

I am getting close here is a P-40N with a serial number not to far from your’s

I would love just hear fly by in person

Hint: Think Christmas?!?!

2 more links I found but not alot of help.

Just search 105405

Yes, there are a number of model decal manufacturers that have #28 O’Riley’s Daughter in perfect reproduction of the artwork on my plane, and I have yet to find out who did and/or where any color photography of my plane could have been taken.