need info

I found a pic of my uncle in uniform which shows him with a insignia of the Tank Killers, a tiger or panther biting down on a tank. He is now gone so I cant talk to him so I am trying to find his service records. Any ideas???

Look down to the words '1st Alabama Cavalry, Constitutional Militia.".

This might be the patch.

Might want to email the blooger and ask him if he knows what unit they got the patch from.


The Patch is the insignia for the whole US Tank Destroyer Corps.

Go to the courthouse at his home of record.
His discharge papers should be on file.
It was the custom to do that on separation. Still is.

These are public documents.

In today’s world, they might want some family verification, maybe not.
Good place to start.

I recently obtained my fater and grandfather’s papers this way.

There may or may not be a unit that includes lineage from then or an association.

Sometimes they have some things from the past.

Ill have to go to the courthouse and check it out. Around here as I suppose everywhere now one cant take even a pocket knife into these places. Seems a bit crappy but you have to watch for terrorists!!! One sheriff was going to make me leave my Case pocket knife with them, so I was going to leave it and go about my business but on a hunch asked him if I would get it back when I left. His answer was No. What the hell was this I will never know. Jim Wiseman

If your courts are like ours it’s more likely to be a court security rather than terrorism issue.

I had my keys taken off me, on my second entry after they’d passed an earlier entry, at our local court a couple of weeks ago because of the tiny penknife at a quarter to 9 o’clock on my keyring in the picture below.

I was treated like I’d made a joke about a bomb at an airport when on leaving the court I presented my receipt for my keys and said “Can I have my big fearsome hunting knife back, please?”.

It didn’t occur to the numbnut court security officer and his dipshit mates that several keys on my ring could cut about as well as and or penetrate as deeply as the knife, without the risk of folding back on my fingers, and that to be consistent these security geniuses should also have relieved me of my metal bodied pens which could penetrate even further.

Common sense ain’t the strong suit for some people put in security positions, not least because they ain’t the sharpest tool in the shed or they’d have better paying jobs. But with less power, which is always a dangerous thing to hand to idiots.

We have the same security here in Texas, that is, paranoid security.

When I enter a court house, I’m entering as a 5th Dan black belt (Taekwondo) and Krav Maga practitioner. As a result I see there are plenty of weapons already in the court house on the hips of the security staff (and many of them are NOT in shape) not to mention lamps, staple guns, mops, lamp cords, glass wear, etc…, or environmental weapons like stone walls, stairways, glass doors, etc…

Yes there are weapons everywhere at those ‘safe’ places. Most people don’t even see them.

And any real nut would just do a ‘Neo’, as in the Matrix, and walk in shooting.

The concept of ‘gun free zones’ merely makes it easier, not harder, for those determined to wreck havoc.


The patch shown in the reply from Deaf Smith is the generic insignia of the Tank Destroyer Corps. It was most likely worn while he was at the TD school, which was at Camp (now Fort) Hood. Deployed units wore the patch of the division to which they belonged, although many TD battalions were non-divisional, and wore the patch of whatever parent unit claimed them.