Need Pics!!

Attention, I am looking for good pictures/color sketches of Soviet paratroopers and Marines in WW2. Also, can anyone confirm that: A. Soviet airborne VDV, was considered a separate brance of the military, and B. Soviet paratroopers wore BLUE pilotkas with their uniforms(even in the field, where they had a camo smock).

Thanks. Color sketches preferred!! SCAN YOUR OSPREY BOOKS!!
Soviet Mid War Paratrooper Uniform package 1943-1945
This set is representative of the uniforms issued to Soviet troops from about January 1943 through the end of the war in 1945.

Yeah that’s where I saw that, on Trident. But I haven’t been able to confirm the use of the blue pilotka(I am interested to know if they would keep the blue in combat; it wouldn’t surprise me if they did). Also I assume that the uniform under the smock is the standard olive drab.
The lower b&w photo is more accurate i think (above is a parade photo).

I assume you need this info for modelling? Here’s modellers talk about Russian paratroopers during WW2, but it’s in russian. I can translate crucial parts if you need it.

Do you know if that blue coverall was worn in combat? Sine paratroops usually wore a camo smock that wouldn’t matter too much. The blue pilotka seems odd but of course the British wore their Red Berets almost immediately upon landing.

Here is what I had assume about Soviet paratroops:

standard brown uniform, olive drab pilotka. The main thing I am wondering is if they wore that blue pilotka in combat or at least frequently.

I have a negative tendency to obsess over little details like that.

Pre-war outfit: as seen on photos, with leather HELMET and eyeglasses
To the beginning of the war ‘blue coverall’ was changed to jacket and ‘breeches with large pockets’ (there were summer and winter variants). About head nothing is said, maybe still helmet?
Two parachutes - main and emergency. During the drop weapon was always unloaded.
One guy on that forum wanted to model soviet paratrooper (machinegunner, Dniepr desant (paradrop) operation, 24-25 September 1943). He suggested pilotka, jacket and breeches, regular army boots, MG on the left. No one complained about pilotka on that forum… For ordinary soldier, not MGunner, outfit would be SMG, 3 disk magazines, 2 incendiary grenades, flashlight and food for 2 days. In each ‘otdelenye’ 2 soldiers carried axes and small spades.

Thanks, keep an eye out for more pics of paratroopers- they are rare.

Can you send a message to those modellers and ask them about the BLUE pilotka, linking to that picture that was posted here(the one from Trident)? It takes me forever to write anything in Russian.

I’ve posted there.

bolshoye spasiba. I am obsessed with the mystery of the blue pilotka. Could it have been the inspiration for the VDV’s blue beret in the post war era? It would certainly make sense.

Well Jasa, some news - 8 replies already.
They were jumping in helmets (leather helmets for commanders, canvas helmets for others). After landing they wore ordinary khaki pilotkas (not color, color pilotkas were dismissed before the war). Color pilotkas were used in pre-war maneuvers only. They also wore ‘camouflage costumes’ or one-color coveralls.
VDV in that time were part of the airforces.
Now to the fun part. About the photo from he has much to say:) He says all uniforms presented there for sale are shit, almost all camo uniforms there are fantasy. Next part of his answer i’ll quote here, because it’s bitter words about general western opinion of WW2 soviet soldiers:

На этом же сайте, например, практически вся камуфляжная форма РККА - плод больной фантазии владельцев этого самого сайта. Не удивлюсь, если они сами и подобные им искренне полагают, что пока столь любимые моделистами всего мира “доблестные немецкие зольдаты” грабили, убивали и насиловали советское население, наше руководство и военная промышленность были озабочены исключительно выпуском красивой, элегантной, разнообразной, стильной и гармонирующей с другими предметами воинского “гардероба” униформой… Тьфу!
По-моему, иностранным моделистам лучше не давать вообще никакой информации по нашей армии - чтоб диорам не делали. Пьющие ведрами спирт и горланящие песни штрафники, рвущиеся расстреливать раненых красноармейцев заградотряды НКВД, играющие на балалайках и гармошках казаки, глушащие рыбу в речках гранатами дезертиры и танцующие гопака медсестры - вот практически полный список того, как не только “ихние” моделисты, но и обыватели (и даже “историки” вроде С. Залоги) видят образ нашего солдата. Солдата страны, пожертвовавшей миллионами своих граждан ради жизни тех же чехов, словаков, поляков, югославов… Очень хотел бы надеяться, что хотя-бы ваш знакомый чех видит этот образ правильно…

He suggested this photo for reference
and this article in general with camo examples

Hi Sneaksie.
I agree with you, but please don’t consider seriously
such “diorams” lake that.

I think its look funny

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