New Bundeswehr MG

We are still using the MG3 - i think it´s just classic :smiley: - and now i´ve seen that we will recieve a new service MG. It´s called the MG4 and somehow i very dislike it. It looks quite similary to the American SAW, isn´t it?
I only hope it will have less wight and the old MG3 will be in service until i´ll be pensionated - but that will be faarrr away.

Read more here:

Bit more here - - looks similar in concept to the SAW (itself a redesignated FN Minimi). Be interesting to see how well it goes down when you finally get your hands on it.

I will upload a video then :smiley: :wink:

Being H&K probabbly is a high quality weapon. Shame the caliber, I wonder how long the armies in the world continue with that fat .22

I think it will be adapted to both 5.56mm AND 7.51mm…

I’m assuming no army in their right mind would produce a GPMG solely in the 5.56 caliber, although that’s fine for rifles…

I for one like the MG-3 very much. It was an awesome machine gun. It sucks it is being replaced by that blasted MG-4. I think they should not replace because of all of the Machine Guns the MG-3 has given ideas for. There are some American machine guns based on the MG-3. Like the awesome M60. I would hate to that gun be replaced. Well hope the MG-3 is still there if you enter the service. (that is if you still like it Splinter54)

I am. :wink:
I really like the Mg3, it´s an very awesome weapon. Very high kadence and you have nearly no problems with it. But it has it´s weight :neutral: so i only hope the Mg4 will be smaller :wink:

PS: Thought the M60 was inspired by the Fg42?

Many machine guns are in use today that ARE 5.56mm, for example the Minimi (SAW/LMG for US and UK troops).

The 5.56 AP is quite formidable also.

Lighter weight and smaller rounds = more can be carried!!! :smiley:

Which Munster are in Splinter? The one near Osnabruck? And if so are you in the Barracks just off the autobahn (is it the 41/49? near route 51 and off A2) ?

It has been, with the M240 (aka the FN MAG). You’re probably the first person I’ve ever seen with a good word to say about the M60 in comparison to the M240…

M60 was ok, just had a lot of problems…

Non changable barrel.

The light one they made overheated.

It is actually lighter than the GPMG.

Had a tendancy to jam unles rigoures cleaning was maintained.

Wasn’t there some drama with the safety?

And if you put it together wrong you could end up with run away guns or non fireing all together - basically it could be stripped to far.

Wasn’t there dramas with gunners putting the 60 over their shoulders and bending the barrel?

There was drama on the M60 with the safety. Mostly in the more 1960-1988 battles. Many soldiers did not like the M60 because of the safety. I do not know about the bending of the barrel while on someone shoulders. Sorry that I could not help you out on that question.

The way the Americans in Vietnam carried it, muzzle forward holding it by the front. with most of the weight over the back.

Stereotypical picture of the Yanks in Vietnam.

Can’t find a picture.

Very interesting. Looks like the American Machine Gunners did not take care of their gun very much. Was this very common in the Vietnam war?

I think I meant 7.62x51mm:)

PS: Thought the M60 was inspired by the Fg42?

Ja, I got a topic about:

Yes, I have already seen that thread. I think many machine guns were inspired by the FG-42. There have been more machine guns inspired by the MG-42.
Well anyways I would not mind using a MG-3 in combat. Don’t know about you other members on the forum if you would mine using it.

It´s near the Lüneburger Heide - i originally come from münchen, so that´s a looonnngg way ^^
Here you will see all important routes and the location:

Also somebody made many nice photographs on the TuÜbPl (Troups Practice Place)
There are two main areals - Munster Nord is a shooting range for all imaginable armored forces - Munster Süd for the Artillery - those Panzerhaubitzen 2000 are just amazing. In a past practice such a thing drove near our position - 30 Minutes later shot some rounds and was as quick away as it came, and that turret was spinning sooo quick! :smiley:

Press on Standortliste - then search in Niedersachsen und Bremen for Munster Nord and Süd :wink:

Ahh. Luneburg.

I know the area quite well, Splinter.

I was based in Bergen Hohne, for 4 years, just to your South. I used Luneburg quite alot.

I think I have some beer mats still with the phrase “welcome to lupi land” written on them. Brits find this funny because lupi, if prounounced “loopy” means silly, mad or similar in British.

Your avatar is quite ironic too, because most of my memories of Luneburg is freezing my ass off on the area!!!

I quite enjoyed Celle too, and few nights in Soltau (the swimming pool there is top).

Heide park and an old quary that I can’t remember the name of now, which was used like a beech.

Prior to that I was based in Osnabruck. Not to far away from Munster (the city).

Seem to have a few memories of Hamburg and the Reaper Bahn too, but how they survived the alcohol I don’t know!!!

My wife has friends in Munich too. I like the South of Germany, shame I don’t get down there too much. Her friend is Romanian but married to a German, she came over sometime during the 1960s. (edit to add, My wife and I aren’t that old, but my wives parents met them on holiday in the Canaries, and we have sort of struck up a freindship too)

Yes british and american guys find many things here quite funny - i can remember, when i was visiting the American Base at Grafenwöhr, that they had been very amused about the fact, that they have to stop the act of shooting, when a Deer crosses the shooting range ^^
But what i found quite funny where the attempts of the Americans to speak German … well they liked to say then Uber all the time “What an Uber Burger” :mrgreen:

I think foreign forces have quite a very good live here at their bases - Grafenwöhr e.g. gets a new Shopping Mall (yes!) and it has a Burger King in the Base!! :smiley:

Yep, have been to Grafenwöhr, and then on to Hohenfelds (Spelling?).

Do enjoy a good PX trip, was recently on Augustdorf camp which was quite good.

Must admit the Americans do have funny conclusions about some of the rules in Europe. I think they would rather just shoot everything on the range!!! :smiley:

I think the Uber bit is quite wide spread over in America too. As I have heard one or two American Civvies use the word too. The Brits have a few too, generally a term in English, literally (and often crudely) translated in to German.

We (as in foreign forces) have a superb time in Germany, esp if you learn a bit of the lingo. On the mainland continent (roughly central), plenty of tax free breaks and a few extra payments for being here too. I go “allez uber der platz”!!! :smiley: (Anglo-Germanic saying)

Kartoffel Tschüss :smiley: