new campgign idea for RTS

i thought this campaign can be quite interesting, so if you have any RTS game, please consider using this plot for new compaign
first mission
Background story:
In year 2045, the German has sucessfully invented the time machine, they hope they can go back in time to kill Hitler before the disaster would happen to german and also to prevent world war 2 from ever happen. sadly this secret has been reveiled to a nazi mind general (hasnt think of a name yet).
You are the general and you are in Berlin, 2045 in the beginning of the game. The first objective for the general is to gather enough supporters as soldiers, which is close to the general and would wear unique clothes, when you came close to them, they will be your soldier automatically. When you think you gather enough soldiers, you have to attack a small military station to track down where is the time machine. Then you have to use the remaining of the soldiers to go to another military base to hack into the miliary supercomputer for modern superweapon’s blueprint. By the time you did that, the german military already respond and start to send soldiers to attack you, you need to defend the base using whatever you have left. Start to build units like crazy, then continue to advance to the time machine, you would only have 30 seconds to do that before another modern german waves comes to attack you. once you knock down the defense who are responsible to guard the time machine, mission 1 is over
There is two time machine, you decide to let one of your general to take another time machine in case you didnt go back in time sucessfully, you also let him take all the blueprint with him, turn out to be a very bad decision

Second Mission:
you land peacefully in the third reich with your troops and this is the year 1942, where hitler’s army is not lost to the russian yet. You find out you have arrive to the year 1942 by using a “time machine receiver”, which is built by the german in 1942 (the time machine reveiever is a device to ensure future traveller can travel back in 1942 safely, too bad the german has not able to build the time machine before the war ends), now you find out modern german soldiers has been using these device as a vechile back in time to kill hitler. The first objective is to find Hitler and guard him from any modern german killing attempt. Modern german would keep sending troops to attack you. You would also need to protect your ancestor, since without them, you wouldnt be exist at all after all, so you would need to find them and put them in safety before the modern german soldiers did (you would have five minutes doing that before they are find by the modern german) There are four time machine receiver during the war and they are on the corner of the map, the second objective is to destroy those time machine receiver to prevent future troops from coming back to kill hitler, but modern german sodliers would be guarding those device, which makes it very diffucult. after the objective is done, hitler would have his heart attack, but the hospital that could have save his life is destroy (one of the time machine receiver is in a hospital and you take it down, you would need to use the remainning force you have to attack an airport occupied by the remainning modern german soldiers and steal one of a plane to send hitler to safety within 5 minutes, then mission 2 is over

Mission 3
you have reiceve a SOS from one of your general, he is not very lucky as he landed in soviet terriority near stalingrad surround by soviets (the soviets spy have capture the technology of the time machine reciever and build one of them, but they do not know what is the purpose of that strange machine), he is very smart as he destroy the reciever asap, he start to build a small base and has asked you to save him, you have to save him since he has all the blueprint for modern german weapon. The first objective is to save your general before his base collapse, you would need to set up a base in german occupied russia and start to send out scout plane to locate your general’s base, you need to find the base within 15 minutes from the start of the game as the general would see that as you deserting him and surrender to the russian. After you spot his base, you would have control over the general in the game to allow you to use the base to keep enemy out of the base. Only world war 2 technology tanks are albe to use and you are outnumbered by the russian, they have air superioty and tank are way superior than yours, you would need your modern soldiers to have some kind of hope to defend the base,since you cannot produce them again, medics and engineers are essential to win this war. you have to defend the base for more than 45 minutes before a plane from germany show up, you would need to use that plane to land on the general’s base and get him to safety, thats objective 2 is to use your remainning force to repeal against a big group of soviet tanks and planes, by defeating the soviet tank groups and infantry units, germany has already changed its destiny, and mission 3 is over

Mission 4
you are so disappointed as you are informed that your general is dead due to an aircraft accident, 90% of the blueprints are gone but still enough to make german a stronger nation, Me262, missiles and better machine guns are on service earlier than the orginal timeline, tanks are stronger and more reliable than the orginal timeline, and they are able to produce at a faster rate, what is the most important to the german is the ability to build a-bomb. Now using those technology, the german has reopen operation sea lion with better preparation. first ojbective is to build enough amount of V-2 missiles in order to attack effectively, to ensure the operation would go smoothly, you would need to defend france using by building AA guns and coastal guns, you would have me262 and panther tanks to defend, but they are again in small number, the french civilians would somtimes form in groups to attack you. After you build those V-2 missiles, you heard that english has send out spies to steal your missiles technology, you would need to find him within 5 minutes or you lose the mission, then destroy the beckingham palace with those aircraft you have (missiles are only have enough range to knock off coastal defense) and held off a large amount of allies fighters and bombers attack, then you have to get your panzer tank to land in england and try to kill churchill, you would only have 2 mins to find him and kill him, then mission 4 is over
thats all i have so far, please give me some feedback, thanks

anyone has empire earth 1 or empire earth 2, if you have that, i could make the campagin for you and send it to you

cool idea :smiley: !,but i don`t have ea 1 / 2 :frowning: .

i think you can do that with other stretegy game you have

mission 1 is complete, its for empire earth 1, if you are interested in playing, please pm me (email included please)

the campaign is very hard, with nuclear bombers coming to you within 15 mins from the start of the game, tanks coming to attack you every 5 minutes, infantry units that just would not give up attack you (although not in large group, it does eat your army and resource away piece by piece)