New Cold war!!?? Are you serious...

Hello folk.
The disturbing news come from US, by russian media. Kinda Romney calls for new Cold war?? Is this our domestic media phony provocation or really some of american politics go out of mind?

Probably retaliation for Putin calling him a nutcase and endorsing Obama for President!

I’m not a Romney fan, but I don’t think he’s actually called for any sort of a Cold War nor confrontation with Russia. There does seem to be a tone of increased international belligerence in both his and his running mate’s statements. But like everything else, they lack specifics. I think the Cold War talk is more opinion, possibly fringe opinion, than actual substance in a potential Romney foreign policy…

I still can’t find anything to clarify the specific, but Romney speech in Warsaw was very straight directed against Russia
The speech on the “values of liberty” at Warsaw University on Tuesday is expected to seek to rekindle the flames of US cold war righteousness by featuring a strong attack on Russia and President Vladimir Putin’s rollback of democratic gains, while also criticising the US president, Barack Obama, for allegedly sacrificing the interests and security of central European democracy in favour of realpolitik with the Kremlin.

Romney has previously described Russia as America’s “No 1 geopolitical foe”, in contrast with Obama, who has sought to press “the reset button” in relations with Moscow.

The article admit, however , the Romnay targeted the specified polish electorate in USA, using an “old anti-russian card”. Even if this is a fringe oppinion - still very sad to hear this from an such a popular candidate.
Though, if the new cold war possible- how do you think will it be useful for US?

A Cold War isn’t at all useful to the US, it’s just pandering useful to Romney’s campaign trying to cater to a traditionally socially conservative group of older people of Polish decent and get their vote. I doubt Romney’s policies would actually be much different from Obama’s if he were to be elected…

DO you imply the ONLY old retired poles in US vote for republicans?

No, just that he thinks that by saying nasty things about Russia he’ll get more of them to vote for him - and that doing so is unlikely to cost him more than a handful of votes. Most politicians will do just about anything if they think it’ll gain them votes - Putin being a particularly ridiculous example of the breed :wink:

Polish-Americans, an increasingly small subset as most people of Polish immigrant decent increasingly feel only the tie of having a “___________ski” at the end of their name to their lineage, tend to be more conservative Catholics and are a small subset of voters Romney is certainly hoping to appeal too and lock up as Republican voters. If you’re actually trying to ask–in a round about way–if most Americans are fundamentally anti-Russian or hope to revive the Cold War or if this is an issue with most Americans, the answer is no…

An emphatic no at that. (Besides, I’m on the job)

But then it looks very odd the the majority of americans tolerate such sort of speeches beeing aware the everything is juct for “small subset of voters”. How it heppend the SECOND main candidate to a presidency start the harmful in sense for entire USA militarist/imperialist rhetoric , claiming this is temporary just for voters?
It reminds me the previous elections with McCainey…

so you know all the conspiracy, mate?:slight_smile:

How many Americans do you actually even heard or noticed this speech? Campaigning candidates here give literally hundreds of speeches on the campaign trail…and if it makes you feel any better, there’s a pretty good chance Romney won’t win…

You mind this might a secret for a wide public?
Well , pure theoretically, i can admit those 44% of americans - Romney voters never even heard what their candidate tells and where. No wonred, in usa the mass media may ignore the some undesirable content ( like they collectively ignore the Ron Paul) . But the Romney so often told about Russia that the Obama mentioned it in his speech to the another 46% of americans.So Nick, the 90% of american voters KNOW for sure their candidates ideas, and support it.

…and if it makes you feel any better, there’s a pretty good chance Romney won’t win…

Why do you think it good new for me? What if WE want a new cold war too?Thought about it?:wink:

You have an extremely high opinion of American voters…

Why do you think it good new for me? What if WE want a new cold war too?Thought about it?:wink:

Have fun with your Cold Wars then…

No, just peace and love here:)

Well, Romney probably REALLY isn’t going to win after some comments he made at a friendly fundraiser were recorded and released…

The two of them have placed foot securely in mouth, or something else, Mitt with his latest47% spiel, and Obama with his “Bitter Clingers” ,and “You didn’t build that” screw up. And today there is another clip of a speech from several yrs ago where Obama speaks of his supportive position on redistribution of wealth. Its all part of the circus.